
20.______we’ve devoted a lot of resources to locating the cause of this engineering problem, we’re still not sure we understand it very well.
(A)In spite of
(B) However
(C) Nevertheless
(D) Although


統計:A(12),B(7),C(8),D(65),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答 書單:沒有書單,新增




【評論內容】(A)In spite of +名詞或動名詞 (prep.)  儘管、雖然(B) However 然而(C) Nevertheless 然而(D) Although +副詞子句 雖然(conj.) 儘管我們已經投入了大量的資源來確定這個工程問題的原因,但我們仍然不是很了解它。



【評論內容】 Although  we’ven devoted a lot of resources to locating the cause of this engineering nproblem, we’re still not we understand it very well.n文法 : 兩個英文句子需要一個連接詞 (A)In spite of +名詞或動名詞 (prep.)  儘管、雖然  --介係詞片語  句意相通但是文法不符合,所以不能選(B) However 然而  --句意不符(C) Nevertheless 然而  --句意不符(D) Although +副詞子句 雖然(conj.) --連接詞



【評論內容】20.________we’ve devoted a lot of resources to locating the cause of this engineering problem, we’re still not sure we understand it very well.題目少了「sure」,請更正,謝謝您!



【評論內容】原本題目:20.______we’ve devoted a lot of resources to locating the cause of this engineering problem, we’re still not we understand it very well.(A)In spite of(B) However(C) Nevertheless(D) Although修改成為20.______we’ve devoted a lot of resources to locating the cause of this engineering problem, we’re still not sure we understand it very well.(A)In spite of(B) However(C) Nevertheless(D) Although