
第 37 題至第 41 題為題組        Until recently, most American school textbooks told only part of Columbus’ story, and that part made him look like a brave hero. He was presented as the man who discovered the “New World.” But a more balanced presentation would have shown another side to the story: it would have described some values and beliefs that Columbus shared with most European travelers of that time and with the kings and queens of their nations in the “Old World.” First of all, they were hungry for gold, and were willing to do anything to get it. Second, they believed that they had the right to claim other people’s land for their own nations (especially if the inhabitants there were not Christians, were uncivilized, and looked very different from them). Finally, they believed that they had a right to do anything they pleased with the native inhabitants of those lands.         On his first voyage, Columbus claimed all the lands that he found for the king and queen of Spain. He gave Spanish names to many of the islands that he discovered. He took ten native Indians captives and forced them to return to Spain with him, but four of them died on shipboard. During their captivity the remaining six were taught Spanish, and Columbus took them back to America on his second voyage to serve as interpreters.         From the very first voyage, Columbus suggested the possibility of making the Indians slaves to the king and queen of  Spain. On the second voyage, he put this idea into practice in the most brutal way possible. 

【題組】37 What is this passage mainly about?
(A)European travelers.
(B)The explorer Columbus.
(C)Who discovered the New World.
(D)The New World and the Old World.





