
四、閱讀測驗: 30%(61-70 each for 2%;71-76 each for 1%;77-78 each for 2%) (1)The Giver is a story about a future community where people don’t have emotions and desires. This may seem good, but the government and society forbid the residents in this community to think for themselves, too. People’s minds and behaviors are controlled by medicine and regulations. To make this community system work, each resident’s movements are carefully watched, and they must follow strict rules. For example, once a teenager is twelve years old, he or she will be assigned a job that best fits his or her abilities in the Ceremony of Twelve. In addition to jobs, peoples’ lives are also strictly controlled. When people grow old and die, they are released into the “Great Expanse.” In addition, people who don’t follow the rules and newborn babies who are flawed are released. In other words, they are killed. But no one is worried about this because they don’t understand what death is.  Though all the residents share the same lifestyle and follow the same rules, there is a special boy called Jonas. Jonas has pale eyes while others have dark ones. In addition, he sometimes sees flashes of color that others don’t. Before the Ceremony of Twelve, he is very curious to know what his future job will be. During his ceremony, he even expresses feelings of worry about his future. Because of his uniqueness, Jonas is assigned a very important job: the Receiver of Memory. To do this, he must keep in his mind all of the community’s memories of pain, war, and happiness.  Jonas received all these memories from “The Giver,” whose job is to transfer memories to Jonas. These memories are both joyous and painful, enriching Jonas’ life, for he learns to think for himself instead of having his decisions made for him. He also learns the joy of feeling strong emotions.  His enlightenment leads to problems because none of his loved ones have the ability to feel these emotions. This frustrates him greatly and he feels like an outsider, which is made worse after he learns that a troublesome baby he has helped care for, Gabriel, is about to be “released.” Deciding to save the baby’s life, Jonas takes Gabriel and escapes society by going to the area outside the community, known as “Elsewhere.”  Jonas and Gabriel face joy and suffering after their escape, as they encounter hunger, snow, and cold, which they hadn’t ever experienced. Finally, they see—or think they see—the welcoming lights of a village and begin waking toward it. What is waiting for them is a mystery.
【題組】61. What is the story mainly about?
(A) How “The Giver” transfers all the memories to Jonas.
(B) How the people are controlled by the government and society.
(C) How Jonas saved Gabriel.
(D) How Jonas strives to live a different life from others in this future community.






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