
(4)(AB) shade(AC) consequent(AD) peculiar(AE) filters(BC) fierce(BD) mammals(BE) consists(CD) impactHave you heard of quokkas, numbats, and bilbies? They all belong to the group of __(56)__ called marsupials. Marsupials are special because most of the females keep their babies in pouches until they are old enough to move around by themselves. Most of the world’s marsupials live in Australia. However, they can also be found in North, Central, and South America. They are beautiful animals but also very __(57)__. Quokkas, for example, are like cat-sized kangaroos. They often look like they are smiling. They don’t grin because they are happy. They grin because it helps them keep cool in the __(58)__ heat. As nocturnal animals, they curl up in the __(59)__ during the day. When the sun goes down, they start to look for food to eat. Their diet __(60)_of grass, leaves, and stems.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...