
(2)As a sumo wrestling fan, I always wanted to experience the life of a sumo wrestler. Thus, I joined a __1___ camp in Japan last month. There, I lived like a real sumo wrestler. In the morning, we got up at five and started training without breakfast. This helped us __2___ stronger because we could eat more after the training. The master was very strict, and I almost __3___ when the practice was over. After the training, I was really starving, so I ate a lot. However, when I told the master __4___ I was full, he asked me to eat more. We had another training in the afternoon. Again, I was __5___ tired __5___ move after the training. When the camp finally came to an end, I felt very happy. It was really a special experience.
(A) three day
(B) three days
(C) three-day
(D) three-days





【評論內容】(C) three-day形容詞三天的露營