
七、閱讀測驗       The Olympics* is a world-famous sporting event. Many people might be surprised to know the first game dates back to two to three thousand years ago. People called the game by this name because it used to take place in Olympia, Greece*. After the fall of ancient Greece, no one held the sporting event for about 1,500 years. A French man, Pierre de Coubertin started it up again at the end of the 19th century. Since then, the Olympics takes place every four years, except for in 1916, 1940, and 1944, when the two World Wars were happening.        The Olympics were so important to the Greeks that they even used them as a way of counting time. Because they held the games every four years, the word “Olympics” meant “four years” in their language. People say that the short race was the first Olympic sport, but as time passed, more and more sports are added, and that makes the event more exciting. *Olympics n. 奧林匹克運動會 *date back to 追溯至(多久以前) *take place 舉辦
【題組】1.People called the sporting event “the Olympics” because _____.
(A) it was a way of counting time
(B) Pierre de Coubertin named it
(C) the Greek people first held it
(D) it first took place in Olympia






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