
Tommy: Life’s getting difficult for us. That cat is always waiting outside by the hole.
Jerry: If it goes on like this, we’ll all die. We must find a way.
Larry: I have an idea. We should kill the cat.
Tommy: How? It’s impossible.
Jerry:     , but we can do something else. For example, we can hang a bell around his neck.
Larry: That     a good idea. If he     , the bell will ring, and we’ll have enough time to run away.
Tommy: But who     the bell? It’s easy to say but hard to do.
Jerry: Hey, an idea just crossed my mind. Follow me.
(One minute later)
Jerry: Wait and see.... Bow-wow!
(The cat runs away in a hurry.)
Larry: Wow! How come you can speak the language of dogs?
Jerry: I studied it a long time ago. After all,     .

(A) Maybe we can’t kill the cat
(B) We may not be able to block the hole
(C) Although we can’t kill the cat
(D) Though it’s difficult to kill the cat






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