
A city is full of stories. Speaking of London, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens comes to mind; speaking of Paris, macaron delights a picky tongue; speaking of Chicago, “loveable loser” Cubs ends a 108-year wait for victory. No wonder that the cityscape is a favorite topic in various categories. It is partly because that in the city there are more images and uncertainties which stir human feelings.    In an umbrella term   , the urban studies relate anything to the cityscape. The issue of modernity, for example, is worth explorations. However, if the concept of modernity is not narrowed down first, it may become a floating idea. It is often pointed out that the nineteenth-century Paris offers a model for the study of modernity because it is in the summit of urbanization. Charles Baudelaire’s “The Painter of Modern Life” is often considered highlighting the relationship between the city and modernity. The representations of modernity in a big city are given by the observer, the street-stroller, the flâneur. For Baudelaire, the modern flâneur is a painter-artist-dandy-prince-poet; for Walter Benjamin, the metropolitan flâneur, is a botanist on the asphalt. In fact, there is a golden triangle between the city, modernity, and the flâneur. With the help of the flâneur and the street-strolling, flânerie, modernity and the cityscape are portrayed in a deeper sense.                                                                (adapted from Brenda’s NCCU term paper)
【題組】51. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the flâneur?
(A) A rural walker.
(B) A suburban resident.
(C) A rural dweller.
(D) A urban walker.






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