
(A) Consequently, projecting a youthful image may be necessary for getting or keeping a job.
(B) The fear of aging is not only the fear of losing one’s health but also that of losing one’s looks.
(C) For centuries, people have been interested in medical advances that can prolong life.
(D) Indeed, it is frequently reinforced that physical beauty does not last, while inner beauty does.






【評論內容】38.(B) The fear of aging is not only the fear of losing one’s health but also that of losing one’s looks. In view of such fear, there is an increased interest in research that could significantly slow down the aging process and prolong our youth.鑒於對此擔心,......



【評論內容】In a youth-oriented culture, looking attractive means retaining a youthful appearance. The fear of aging is not only the fear of losing one's health but also that of losing one's looks. In view of such fear, there is an increased interest in research that could significantly slow down the aging process and prolong our youth. 在崇尚年輕的文化裡,擁有魅力意味著保留年輕的外貌。對老化的恐懼,不只是害怕健康的流失,還有面容衰老的問題。有鑑於此,各種有關延緩衰老和延長青春的研究也相應而出。