
Fewer flights could mean higher prices.      By Tom Burridge
         Some airlines(航線) might die after COVID-19. And those that come through it will be smaller. There will be fewer flightsbecause people and businesses have less money to spend and video meeting becomes the new mode.
         A smaller aviation(航空) market means ticket prices could be higher. After weeks of staying at home, many of us may want totravel, but travel by plane, train or boat might have to change. For example, EasyJet says it plans to make people not be too close toeach other - and tickets for a plane with fewer people will be more expensive.
        The number of people on trains and subways may be lower, as some people will work at home. Riding bikes and electricscooters(such as a Gogoro) should become more popular - although some people might jump in the car.
Virtual lessons for the long term?              By Branwen Jeffreys
        Now more than 90% of children around the world are out of classes. The disease(COVID-19) could go on for years. Teachinghas moved online. The problem of digital poverty(數位貧窮) is keeping children out of learning. Even in the UK, many people stilldon't have a device(smartphone or tablet) of their own, which they can use for schoolwork.
        About 59% of 12 to 15-year-olds have their own tablet(iPad), while 83% have a smartphone. Some kids in England will be ableto borrow computers to help them study at home, thanks to help from the Department for Education(教育部).
【題組】33. What idea is talked about in both pieces of news?
(A)Coronavirus change the way of making money.
(B) Coronavirus change the way of living.
(C) Coronavirus change the way of learning.
(D)Coronavirus change the way of driving.






【評論內容】依據國中生的字彙看文章的話,首先要先知道題目在問什麼,這時候應該要認識題目的idea跟news兩字,就能得知要找出「新聞的構想」為何?無論知不知道Coronavirus= COVID-19=新冠狀病毒,從4個選項裡皆可以得知這個項目改變了…的方式(change the way of…)。這時候就要抓改變的地方:l   第一篇新聞的關鍵: 1. Fewer flights 航廈班次變少~>People and businesses have less money to spend花費減少  +Video meeting becomes the new mode視訊通話.2. The number of people on trains and subways may be lower搭火車及捷運的人數變少~> Some people will work at home. 在家工作~>Riding bikes and electric scooters(such asa Gogoro) should become more popular騎單車跟騎Gogoro變流行[若能認識scooter為機車更好]。從1.可以推測,因為COVID-19讓視訊通話廣為使用、人們跟企業傾向少搭飛機、少花錢;而在2.又提到在家工作,搭交通運輸的人變少,騎車或機車的機會增加。雖然第2段有提到機票變貴了,但主要還是在探討生活living方式的改變而造成的漲價喔!l   第二篇新聞的關鍵: 基本上只要看到Teaching has moved online.就能推測學校上學~>線上教學or上課,雖然跟學習有關,但這也是一種生活living方式的改變。故選項B是最適合的喔!