
(6~10文章填空)  The day after tomorrow is a movie that has deep meaning for most people. From the movie, we can learn that global warming is a serious p 6 . It can melt the ice at the North and South pole. When the ice melts, the sea will r 7 and flood the cities near the sea. If this happens, many people will die in the disaster.Air pollution from cars, motorcycles, and factories causes global warming. And air-conditioning makes it even worse. If we keep polluting our environment, we will suffer someday.Everyone should help s 8 the Earth. We can start s 9 trash, taking public transportation, and growing plants. Trees not only clean the air but also r 10 global warming. As long as everybody helps, we will make the future better. & deep 深的 meaning 意義 global warming 全球暖化 melt 融化 flood 淹沒 pollution汙染pollute 汙染 disaster 災難 air-conditioning 冷氣 environment 環境 suffer 受苦






【評論內容】我個人的解釋是,主題網只是提出概念與教學方向,但沒有提供實際的活動方法與教學點子 ^0^

【用戶】Fish Gau




