
三、 閱讀測驗:(每題 2 分,共 14 分)  1. Larry:“Hold up,” David. I really need to take a break.  David:Are you all right? You look a little pale.  Larry:Yeah, just give me a second to catch my breath. I’m notas fit as before.  David:You look the same to me.  Larry:Well, I’m not. To be honest, I’m older, slower, and a lotheavier than my younger self. David:Don’t worry about it. That happens to all of us. I’malso a little heavier around the middle.  Larry:I don’t believe you. You look just as fit as before, andyou’re not even breathing very hard.  David:Well, I do try to exercise when I can. Larry:How much do you exercise on average? David:Right now, I only go to the gym for an hour everyMonday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, I jog for anhour on Tuesdays and Thursdays and go hiking for atleast an hour on weekends.  Larry:That sounds a lot to me.  David:For me, that’s less than before. I am getting older, too.  * break 休息 pale 蒼白的 breath / breathe 呼吸 honest誠實的
【題組】27. Why does Larry need to stop?
(A) He’s feeling really thirsty.
(B) He has to get some air.
(C) He needs to get some water.
(D) He needs to go to the bathroom.






【評論內容】27. Why does Larry need to stop?(A) He’s feeling really thirsty.(B) He has to get some air.(C) He needs to get some water.(D) He needs to go to the bathroom.首先AC是一樣的意思,不用看文章就可以先刪掉。原文的Larry:Yeah, just give me a second to catch my breath.catch my breath = get some air都是喘口氣、休息一下的意思。