
一、Please summarize in two paragraphs of your personal opinions taking a clear stance tosupport or disapprove the German refugee policy. (100-120 words in total)(35 分)       Germans have demonstrated that unlike their previous generations, they arecompassionate to refugees and immigrants. Aware of their historical background, theydecided to open their gate to over one millions refugees and illegal immigrants from Syriaand other war-stricken countries. However, the welcoming refugee policy seems to havebeen challenged following the mass sexual attack on the New Year’s Eve in Cologne.Merkel’s refugee’s policy is confronted by more challenges. While more and more peoplebelieve that Merkel’s government has not controlled the refugee’s situation well, there is arising right-wing political party called AFD, abbreviated from Alternative for Germany(Alternative für Deutschland) whose political stance is explicitly anti-immigration. Thesuccessful results for AFD in the federal states election in March 2016 show that manyapprove the restrictive policy on refugees.         Despite this, it was found in April from the latest poll on the government’sperformance on refugee issue, that 94% German citizens were willing to offer refuge torefugees who are fleeing from war and that 76% of supporter of the AFD also agreed withthis view. The refugee integration in many parts of Germany was seemingly successful. Insome cities, local volunteers helped to organize refugee integration, donated clothing andoffered German-language courses for new arrivals. Regarding the aspect of the economy,the social welfare costs play an important role. Pro-refugee supporters argue that the costsfor the refugees often return to the labor force in the economy, and will eventually lead toeconomic growth. Hence, some economic experts mentioned that the present day cost ofthe refugees might be an investment for tomorrow.




【用戶】Kenny Lee



【用戶】Mago Yeh




