【評論主題】依國民教育法之規定,學校班級數在何者以上,應成立學生申訴評議委員會?(A)12 班 (B)14 班 (C)16 班 (D)18 班


【評論主題】Before promising nore bailout loans to Greece, the EU and IMF insisted thatGreece embark on a major

【評論內容】austerity 1. 嚴厲; 嚴格; 嚴酷

【評論主題】Beijing authorities are considering _____ visa requirements to attract moreinternational tourists an


bickering 爭吵


n. 名詞

【評論主題】Our human digestive system has a struggle with such things as alcohol, but weare ____ and are rather


detoxify 給...解毒; 使去毒

ferocious  兇猛的; 殘忍的

bellicose 好鬥的; 好戰的

bashful 害羞的, 羞怯的; 侷促不安的



【評論主題】依國民教育法之規定,學校班級數在何者以上,應成立學生申訴評議委員會?(A)12 班 (B)14 班 (C)16 班 (D)18 班


【評論主題】Before promising nore bailout loans to Greece, the EU and IMF insisted thatGreece embark on a major

【評論內容】austerity 1. 嚴厲; 嚴格; 嚴酷

【評論主題】Beijing authorities are considering _____ visa requirements to attract moreinternational tourists an


bickering 爭吵


n. 名詞

【評論主題】Our human digestive system has a struggle with such things as alcohol, but weare ____ and are rather


detoxify 給...解毒; 使去毒

ferocious  兇猛的; 殘忍的

bellicose 好鬥的; 好戰的

bashful 害羞的, 羞怯的; 侷促不安的



【評論主題】8. Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, a portrait of a woman’s doomed but beautiful liberation from the____


【評論主題】依國民教育法之規定,學校班級數在何者以上,應成立學生申訴評議委員會?(A)12 班 (B)14 班 (C)16 班 (D)18 班


【評論主題】Before promising nore bailout loans to Greece, the EU and IMF insisted thatGreece embark on a major

【評論內容】austerity 1. 嚴厲; 嚴格; 嚴酷

【評論主題】Beijing authorities are considering _____ visa requirements to attract moreinternational tourists an


bickering 爭吵


n. 名詞

【評論主題】Our human digestive system has a struggle with such things as alcohol, but weare ____ and are rather


detoxify 給...解毒; 使去毒

ferocious  兇猛的; 殘忍的

bellicose 好鬥的; 好戰的

bashful 害羞的, 羞怯的; 侷促不安的



【評論主題】9. Due to the malpractice of Fukushima Daiichi power plant, those who maintain safety ______ profit


stump  (樹倒或被砍後遺留下的)殘幹, 根株

tramp 腳步沈重地行走

strum (漫不經心地)彈(弦樂器)


出王牌; 出王牌獲勝


【評論主題】9. 將 16 進制的 FF 轉換成 8 進制為 _____________。

【評論內容】創新策略 主動發掘機會

【評論主題】【題組】50.The TV p____m is about a little cat. It is on now.




【評論主題】1. 請舉一個超距力的例子。________

【評論內容】情報 設計 抉擇

【評論主題】【題組】(A) desert (B) desertion (C) catch (D) ketchup


【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵靜態人體測計(static anthropometry)


【評論主題】【題組】 ⑷青枯病(bacterial wilt)

【評論內容】法 律 條例 通則

【評論主題】五、請說明畜牧產業目前面臨那些挑戰?如何解決?(15 分)


【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵線速度大小。(10 分)


【評論主題】5. The employee has been _____ about his career, and soon got the promotion he deserved. (A) obscure


obscure暗的, 黑暗的; 朦朧的

implicit不言明的; 含蓄的

【評論主題】8. That rich woman is _____; she pays the expenses for poor students to go to college. (A) amorphous


amorphous 無定形的

ancillarty補助的; 補充的

【評論主題】2. The _____ in John’s voice when he talks about his job reveals his dissatisfaction. (A) skirmish (


skirmish小規模戰鬥, 小衝突
