【評論主題】31. The Mona Lisa is the portrait of a woman with a very enticing smile.(A)luminous(B)elusive(C)obli

【評論內容】(A)luminous 發光的; 夜光的; 光輝的(B)elusive 逃避的, 躲避的(C)oblivious 忘卻的; 健忘的(D)alluring誘人的; 迷人的; 極吸引人的

【評論主題】13. The field of molecular genetics is moving at a rapid pace. Our ability to ________ genes and und


【評論主題】31. The Mona Lisa is the portrait of a woman with a very enticing smile.(A)luminous(B)elusive(C)obli

【評論內容】(A)luminous 發光的; 夜光的; 光輝的(B)elusive 逃避的, 躲避的(C)oblivious 忘卻的; 健忘的(D)alluring誘人的; 迷人的; 極吸引人的

【評論主題】13. The field of molecular genetics is moving at a rapid pace. Our ability to ________ genes and und


【評論主題】3. The urban sophisticate and the more _____ rural dweller appear at odds only to the mind unaccusto

【評論內容】(A) bumptious自大的, 傲慢的/ looking 有...樣子的, 看上去.....(B) ingenuous率直的; 無邪的/ delving 探究, 鑽研; 搜索

【評論主題】She was ________ at her father for repetitively forgetting to pick her up from school. (A) diluted (


(A) diluted稀釋的

(B) divergent分歧的;相異的

(C) indignant氣憤的﹐憤慨的﹐憤憤不平的

(D) industrious勤勉的,勤奮的,勤勞的

【評論主題】10. That is a (_______) offer for people who are unemployed. (A) subcutaneous (B) tantalizing(C) vit

【評論內容】(A) subcutaneous 皮下的(B) tantalizing逗人的; .....看完整詳解



【評論主題】With all the ______ surrounding the end of the century and the millennium, we must notcondone our re

【評論內容】(A) hypertension 高血壓(B) jurisdiction 司法; 司法權, 審判權, 裁判權

【評論主題】63. Each summer, an ____________ of tourism makes the city boisterous.(A) influx (B) input (C) indul


(A) influx湧進; 匯集

(B) input投入

(C) indulgence沈溺; 放縱

(D) influence影響, 作用

【評論主題】55. Animals seem to sense when an earthquake is __________. Their behavior changes just as the disas


(A) imminent逼近的; 即將發生的

(B) deplorable可嘆的, 可悲的, 可憐的

(C) invincible無敵的; 無法征服的; 不屈不撓的

(D) discrete分離的; 不連接的

【評論主題】The opposition parties are criticized for ________ all initiatives of the government to hold discuss

【評論內容】(A) accumulating累積, 積聚; 積攢(B) boycotting聯合抵制; 拒絕參加(或購買等); 一致與......

【評論主題】Generally speaking, older people are more ________ to infections than the young. That is, they are m

【評論內容】(A) bemused 困惑的; 發呆的(B) chaotic 混亂的; 雜亂無章的; 無秩序的

【評論主題】43. Dr. Wang is considered one of the most outstanding researchers and __________ academic authors i


(A) industrial工業的, 產業的; 勞資的

(B) prolific多產的, 多育的; 富於創造力的

(C) hideous醜陋的; 可怕的; 駭人聽聞的

(D) frantic狂暴的, 狂亂的

【評論主題】41. Christina said she would _________ the want ads every day until she found the job for which she


(A) apprehend逮捕,理解, 領會

(B) stipulate規定; 約定

(C) scrutinize詳細檢查; 細看

(D) ventilate使通風; 使換氣

【評論主題】47. The live performance was nothing but a ________— the lights wouldn’t work, one actor forgot his

【評論內容】(A) trap 陷阱, 羅網, 捕捉器(B) debauchery 放蕩; 縱情酒色

【評論主題】【題組】What does the word prestige mean in the fifth paragraph? (A) validity (B) fortitude (C) clemency

【評論內容】prestige 名望,聲望,威望(A) validity 正當;正確;確實(B) fortitude 堅忍;剛毅(C) clemency 仁慈;寬厚(D) prominence顯著;傑出,卓越;聲望

【評論主題】3.No longer considered ________, the belief that all of Puerto Rico s indigenous Taino people perish


(A) tenable站得住腳的, 經得起批判的  misconception誤解

(B) erroneous錯誤的; 不正確的 delusion迷惑, 欺騙

(C) hypothetical假設的, 假定的 digression離題; 脫軌

(D) mythical神話的; 神話般的possibility可能性

【評論主題】Other changes are nearly as (22) __________. New materials are lighter, stronger and more durable th


(A) unceremonious 無禮的;粗魯的(B) spontaneous 自發的﹐自動的; 一時衝動的(C) momentous 重大的﹐重要的(D) avaricious貪婪的,貪得無厭的

【評論主題】【題組】What does the word prestige mean in the fifth paragraph? (A) validity (B) fortitude (C) clemency

【評論內容】prestige 名望,聲望,威望(A) validity 正當;正確;確實(B) fortitude 堅忍;剛毅(C) clemency 仁慈;寬厚(D) prominence顯著;傑出,卓越;聲望

【評論主題】Other changes are nearly as (22) __________. New materials are lighter, stronger and more durable th


(A) unceremonious 無禮的;粗魯的(B) spontaneous 自發的﹐自動的; 一時衝動的(C) momentous 重大的﹐重要的(D) avaricious貪婪的,貪得無厭的

【評論主題】【題組】⑵貨船安全構造證書(3 分)


a. clandestine祕密的; 暗中的

b. dismal憂鬱的; 沈悶的; 淒涼的

c. fervent熱烈的; 熱情的; 強烈的

d. vivacious活潑的; 快活的; 有生氣的


【評論主題】【加分題】請寫出下列甲~癸元素的元素符號 ( 每對一個,加 0.5 )【題組】甲

【評論內容】(A) inflection 變音; 轉調(B) derivation誘導來歷; 起源調查; 語言的衍生

【評論主題】4. He appreciated the show’s ____ between serious and humorous subject matter, shown bythe witty dia


【評論主題】14.The people in this remote mountain village have their own _____ which they use on a daily basis.(

【評論內容】(A) locution 語言風格;慣用語(B) epilogue 尾聲﹐結尾(C) eulogy 頌詞;悼詞(D) soliloquy自言自語

【評論主題】47. The cell phone seems to have become _____ among young people. You seldom see anybody without one


【評論主題】30. __________ of high level Chinese officials are relatively rare, butthey have been the source of

【評論內容】(A) Defections 背叛;脫黨(B) Fractions 小部分;片段;碎片(C) Discriminations 辨別,區別(D) Improvisations即興創作;即興演說

【評論主題】97•臺灣的民俗藝陣種類繁多,下列哪一項不屬於「雜技類陣頭? (A)獅 陣 (B)龍陣 (C)宋江陣 (D)牛犁陣。







【評論主題】1. The boss is _____ because his staff didn’t consult him on an important decision.(A)imposing (B) i

【評論內容】(A)imposing 壯觀的(B) indignant 憤怒的(C) inhabited 有居民的(D) impervious不能透過的

【評論主題】17. Assessment refers to a variety of ways used to collectinformation on a learner’s language abilit

【評論內容】A norm-referenced test (NRT) is a type of test, assessment, or evaluation which yields an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population, with respect to the trait being measured.

【評論主題】【題組】32. The word “this” in line 6 refers toA) ocean B) evaporation C) salinity D) crystals


B) evaporation蒸發;發散

C) salinity鹽性;鹽度

【評論主題】31. The Mona Lisa is the portrait of a woman with a very enticing smile.(A)luminous(B)elusive(C)obli

【評論內容】(A)luminous 發光的; 夜光的; 光輝的(B)elusive 逃避的, 躲避的(C)oblivious 忘卻的; 健忘的(D)alluring誘人的; 迷人的; 極吸引人的

【評論主題】13. The field of molecular genetics is moving at a rapid pace. Our ability to ________ genes and und


【評論主題】She was ________ at her father for repetitively forgetting to pick her up from school. (A) diluted (


(A) diluted稀釋的

(B) divergent分歧的;相異的

(C) indignant氣憤的﹐憤慨的﹐憤憤不平的

(D) industrious勤勉的,勤奮的,勤勞的

【評論主題】10. That is a (_______) offer for people who are unemployed. (A) subcutaneous (B) tantalizing(C) vit

【評論內容】(A) subcutaneous 皮下的(B) tantalizing逗人的; 惹弄人的; 撩人的




【評論主題】With all the ______ surrounding the end of the century and the millennium, we must notcondone our re

【評論內容】(A) hypertension 高血壓(B) jurisdiction 司法; 司法權, 審判權, 裁判權

【評論主題】The opposition parties are criticized for ________ all initiatives of the government to hold discuss

【評論內容】(A) accumulating累積, 積聚; 積攢(B) boycotting聯合抵制; 拒絕參加(或購買等); 一致與......

【評論主題】Generally speaking, older people are more ________ to infections than the young. That is, they are m

【評論內容】(A) bemused 困惑的; 發呆的(B) chaotic 混亂的; 雜亂無章的; 無秩序的

【評論主題】47. The live performance was nothing but a ________— the lights wouldn’t work, one actor forgot his

【評論內容】(A) trap 陷阱, 羅網, 捕捉器(B) debauchery 放蕩; 縱情酒色

【評論主題】63. Each summer, an ____________ of tourism makes the city boisterous.(A) influx (B) input (C) indul


(A) influx湧進; 匯集

(B) input投入

(C) indulgence沈溺; 放縱

(D) influence影響, 作用

【評論主題】55. Animals seem to sense when an earthquake is __________. Their behavior changes just as the disas


(A) imminent逼近的; 即將發生的

(B) deplorable可嘆的, 可悲的, 可憐的

(C) invincible無敵的; 無法征服的; 不屈不撓的

(D) discrete分離的; 不連接的

【評論主題】43. Dr. Wang is considered one of the most outstanding researchers and __________ academic authors i


(A) industrial工業的, 產業的; 勞資的

(B) prolific多產的, 多育的; 富於創造力的

(C) hideous醜陋的; 可怕的; 駭人聽聞的

(D) frantic狂暴的, 狂亂的

【評論主題】41. Christina said she would _________ the want ads every day until she found the job for which she


(A) apprehend逮捕,理解, 領會

(B) stipulate規定; 約定

(C) scrutinize詳細檢查; 細看

(D) ventilate使通風; 使換氣

【評論主題】【題組】What does the word prestige mean in the fifth paragraph? (A) validity (B) fortitude (C) clemency

【評論內容】prestige 名望,聲望,威望(A) validity 正當;正確;確實(B) fortitude 堅忍;剛毅(C) clemency 仁慈;寬厚(D) prominence顯著;傑出,卓越;聲望

【評論主題】3.No longer considered ________, the belief that all of Puerto Rico s indigenous Taino people perish


(A) tenable站得住腳的, 經得起批判的  misconception誤解

(B) erroneous錯誤的; 不正確的 delusion迷惑, 欺騙

(C) hypothetical假設的, 假定的 digression離題; 脫軌

(D) mythical神話的; 神話般的possibility可能性

【評論主題】Other changes are nearly as (22) __________. New materials are lighter, stronger and more durable th


(A) unceremonious 無禮的;粗魯的(B) spontaneous 自發的﹐自動的; 一時衝動的(C) momentous 重大的﹐重要的(D) avaricious貪婪的,貪得無厭的

【評論主題】The sensational basketball player Jeremy Lin has been inspiration to a lot of people. Some even go s

【評論內容】這裡的coin為.及物動詞 意思為:創造, 杜撰(新詞等).

【評論主題】Choose the 'incorrect' sentence.22. (A) Jo & Tim had been sitting in the restaurant for a

【評論內容】(c)She cooks "by" herself?

【評論主題】9. I wouldn’t believe everything she says because it’s my belief that she is _____ to exaggerate.(A)



A) praised讚揚, 稱讚

(B) declined下降, 下跌; 減少; 衰退, 衰落

(C) inclined傾向的

(D) tended走向; 趨向

【評論主題】As urbanization continues, 6.4 billion city dwellers will need access to energy. That is, 80% of all

【評論內容】(A) ignition 著火; 燃燒(B) liability 傾向

【評論主題】So complicated __________ that customers who use a product are seldom aware of where all its compone

【評論內容】(C)is international trade today



【評論主題】【題組】58. 惱火的 m____________


【評論主題】Extrinsic Motivation can be contrasted _____ Intrinsic Motivation, a highly desired form of incentiv

【評論內容】contrast  中文為「使對比, 使對照」後面加with

【評論主題】1. 以土礫凸者為丘,凹者為壑。


【評論主題】【題組】 __(8)__。

【評論內容】indelible 難以去除的; 擦不掉的; 持久的voracious狼吞虎嚥的; 貪婪的

【評論主題】五、說明啤酒冷藏後呈現混濁狀態與冰淇淋產品具有顆粒狀砂質口感的原因及運用酵素改善之方法。(20 分)

【評論內容】(A) compelling強制的, revising 修訂; 校訂(B) pervasive普遍的, reproducing 繁殖, 生殖

【評論主題】2.A、B、C三物體質量分別為 3kg、2kg 和 1kg,靜止並排置於一水平桌上,以一水平力F=15 N施於物體A,如右圖所示。若靜摩擦係數μs=0.15、動摩擦係數μk=0.1時,物體A


(A) corpulent肥胖的

(B) repulsive使人反感的, 令人厭惡的, 可憎的

(C) plump豐滿的, 胖嘟嘟的

(D) scrawny瘦的, 骨瘦如柴的


【評論主題】The fire marshals spend many hours seeking the cause of the _____ in which so many people were kille

【評論內容】avalanche 雪崩 labyrinth 迷宮

【評論主題】Whatever its final contours, the expected electoral _______ is all but certain to reshape the remain

【評論內容】(A) outpost 前哨, 警戒部隊(B) retribution 報應; 懲罰

【評論主題】【題組】89. The socialite has become an object of r___________ since she was found wearingfake jewelry.

【評論內容】(A) intrepid 勇敢的; 大膽的; 無畏的; 堅韌不拔的(B) retrospective 回顧的; 懷舊的; 追溯的

【評論主題】【題組】⑶請以公式或莫爾圓說明⑴⑵二者與岩體破壞之關係。(10 分)


【評論主題】哪位藝術家的交趾陶作品,被譽為「台灣絕技,東洋國寶」? (A) 葉王 (B) 何金龍 (C) 葉鬃 (D) 李梅樹

【評論內容】葉王(1826年 -1887年 ),字麟趾、號和雲,外號「獅」,時人以「王獅」相稱,後人改為「王師」以示尊稱。台灣 嘉義人,為第一位台灣出身的交趾陶藝師。在台南縣、嘉義縣一帶廟宇中皆可見其作品。其寶石釉 製作技術為當今台灣交趾陶二大支派之一,與洪坤福 的水彩釉齊名,作品曾遍及全台,有「台灣絕技」、「台灣交趾第一人」之譽。


【評論內容】(A) 佳里興

【評論主題】15.Two roads _______ in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I s

【評論內容】(B) diverged分叉; 叉開 bent彎曲的

【評論主題】11.Many people believe that Pal Joey (1940), the story of the master of ceremonies (emcee or M.C., t

【評論內容】(A) landmark地標, 陸標; bitingly 如刺地; 刺痛地(B) prominent突起的; 凸出的; relentlessly 無情地; 殘酷地

【評論主題】People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack the energy to be _____; in such cases, go

【評論內容】(A) wicked壞的; 缺德的; 邪惡的…indolence 懶散, 懶惰(B) cruel殘忍的, 殘酷的…effortless 不出力的; 容易的

【評論主題】46. A Taiwanese official says the island has asked China to _____ a passenger held on the mainland a

【評論內容】extenuate企圖減輕(罪行等); 為...找藉口

【評論主題】3. The urban sophisticate and the more _____ rural dweller appear at odds only to the mind unaccusto

【評論內容】(A) bumptious自大的, 傲慢的/ looking 有...樣子的, 看上去.....(B) ingenuous率直的; 無邪的/ delving 探究, 鑽研; 搜索

【評論主題】15.The editors felt that certain passages in the book had to be ______ before it could be used in th


(A) expurgated刪去(不當處);修訂

(B) extorted敲詐﹐勒索〔錢財〕

(C) exterminated根除,滅絕;消滅

(D) excavated挖掘(穴、洞等);開鑿






  「雅舍」即一日為我所有。 即使此一日亦不能算是我有,





【評論主題】A replacement jetliner was set to ________ 203 passengers from a Jetstar flight landing safely in Gu

【評論內容】(A) retrieve 重新得到, 收回(B) reflect 反射; 照出, 映出