【評論主題】第49至52題為題組An alcohol breath test (ABT) is often used by the police to find out whether a person is d

【評論內容】Line 2 : while people under 21 are not allowed to drive a car with any level of alcohol in their body. (而21歲以下的人當身體有任何級別的酒精時不被允許駕車。)

【評論主題】第49至52題為題組An alcohol breath test (ABT) is often used by the police to find out whether a person is d

【評論內容】Line 2 : while people under 21 are not allowed to drive a car with any level of alcohol in their body. (而21歲以下的人當身體有任何級別的酒精時不被允許駕車。)

【評論主題】20. The doctor turned off his cell phone because he ________ nurses reporting and demanding medical

【評論內容】(C) be fed up with 厭倦於...

【評論主題】17.當進行內部人員評鑑時,最可能會產生下列何種缺點?(A) 無法提出具建設性的建議 (B) 無法掌握實際狀況(C) 容易發生當局者迷的現象 (D) 評鑑人員較不具熱誠

【評論內容】(一)內部人員評鑑: 1.優點: 在於課程為其所設計,因而可掌握內部運作和實踐的詳情,較能把握學校的需要,評鑑結果也較易被接受而納入改進課程設計之中。 2.缺點: 但由於課程設計者本身通常缺乏評鑑訓練,且涉入課程的程度過深,可能產生共存共榮的認同心態,因而易喪失客觀性。 (二)外部人員評鑑: 1.優點: 是可由具備評鑑專長者擔任,同時,能保持「旁觀者清」的態度,發現內部人員易忽.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】15. 學生到辦公室不會喊報告就進入是由於什麼原理造成?(A)正增強(B)負增強(C)漸隱(D)消弱。

【評論內容】(C) 漸隱法:與塑造法有異曲同工之妙。不同的是,漸隱法先提供最容易引發正確反應的情境刺激或模仿對象,再誘發刺激弱化的情況下鞏固正確反應,直到到這種正確反應在適當的新情境下仍能產生。如:書法練習中先描紅後臨貼,再到自行書寫的過程。

【評論主題】11. 主任認為職員一無所知,要求依指示行事,這是溝通障礙中的什麼現象?(A)嚷叫理論 (B)硬塞理論 (C)先聲奪人 (D)月暈效應。


【評論主題】A: Are you sleeping? B: No, ___________.(A) I am sleeping (B) I’m not eating (C) I’m eating (D) I am

【評論內容】A: 你正在睡覺嗎? B: 不,________________。(A) 我正在睡覺

【評論主題】It’s time__________ breakfast.(A) to (B) for (C) on (D) in


【評論主題】(  )20.The frogs kept ________ all night. It was so noisy that I could not sleep.(A) croaking (B) ba

【評論內容】(A) croak  (v.) (蛙/鳥) 呱呱地叫(B) bark  (v.) (犬)吠

【評論主題】(  )27.Gary needs ________ at the fruit shop first.(A) to stopping (B) stopped (C) stops (D) to stop

【評論內容】英文句子中,若有第二個動詞,可以以「不定詞(to+VR)」 或「動名詞 (Ving)」表示,need 固定使用 「need+ to VR」用法,故選擇 (D)

【評論主題】(  )16.The new refrigerator is so big ________ we can’t put it in the kitchen.(A) that (B) but (C) b

【評論內容】題意:這台新的冰箱是如此的大______我們不能將它放在廚房。(A) that  以至於...(so...that 如此以至於)

【評論主題】(  )13.Derek is      handsome      he gets a lot of chocolate on Valentine’s Day.(A) so; that (B) to

【評論內容】(A) so+adj. +that + 子句 ( 如此...以至於)  符合語意故選之。題意為:  Derek 是如此的帥,以至於情人節時他收到許多巧克力。

【評論主題】It’s time__________ breakfast.(A) to (B) for (C) on (D) in


【評論主題】A: Are you sleeping? B: No, ___________.(A) I am sleeping (B) I’m not eating (C) I’m eating (D) I am

【評論內容】A: 你正在睡覺嗎? B: 不,________________。(A) 我正在睡覺

【評論主題】It’s time__________ breakfast.(A) to (B) for (C) on (D) in


【評論主題】______________I a teacher?(A) Is (B) Are (C) Am not (D) Am

【評論內容】I 搭配 be-v 為 am (A) (B) 刪除肯定直述句

【評論主題】(  )20.The frogs kept ________ all night. It was so noisy that I could not sleep.(A) croaking (B) ba

【評論內容】(A) croak  (v.) (蛙/鳥) 呱呱地叫(B) bark  (v.) (犬)吠

【評論主題】(  )27.Gary needs ________ at the fruit shop first.(A) to stopping (B) stopped (C) stops (D) to stop

【評論內容】英文句子中,若有第二個動詞,可以以「不定詞(to+VR)」 或「動名詞 (Ving)」表示,need 固定使用 「need+ to VR」用法,故選擇 (D)

【評論主題】(  )16.The new refrigerator is so big ________ we can’t put it in the kitchen.(A) that (B) but (C) b

【評論內容】題意:這台新的冰箱是如此的大______我們不能將它放在廚房。(A) that  以至於...(so...that 如此以至於)

【評論主題】(  )13.Derek is      handsome      he gets a lot of chocolate on Valentine’s Day.(A) so; that (B) to

【評論內容】(A) so+adj. +that + 子句 ( 如此...以至於)  符合語意故選之。題意為:  Derek 是如此的帥,以至於情人節時他收到許多巧克力。

【評論主題】一、抽查到市售有疑慮的食品,在分析前的樣品製備過程中必須注意那些事項?(20 分)


【評論主題】一、抽查到市售有疑慮的食品,在分析前的樣品製備過程中必須注意那些事項?(20 分)

【評論內容】A. 價值中立:是指科學家在研究自己的對象時,應當遵循客觀事實,而撇開自己的政治主張與立場,迴避自己的價值。B. 價值關聯:社會科學的理解必然包含特定的價值之中,遵循特定的社會價值去解釋社會現象,為了探討這種價值就必須探討行為者在什麼觀念驅使下做出行動。

【評論主題】文意選填   Good health is not something you are able to buy, nor can you get it back with a quick   31  

【評論內容】 Good health is not something you are able to buy, nor can you get it back with a quick   31   to a doctor.

【評論主題】【題組】32. What is true about the Apple store in Brazil?(A) It was opened by Tim Cook in 2010.(B) It is

【評論內容】after 1,700 people packed into a Rio mall for the opening of the first Apple store in Latin America

【評論主題】8.座老師要請同學們回家找一部典籍,當中可以找到關 於先秦時代有關政治制度、禮樂器物、生活禮節的記載,下列何本典籍最能符合以上内容?(A)《春秋經》 (B)《呂氏春秋》(C)《尚書》 (D)《禮記》

【評論內容】(A) 春秋本指先秦時代各國的編年體史書,但後世不傳。傳之唯魯國《春秋》(B) 中國先秦戰國末期的一部政治理論散文的彙編,共26卷,160篇,完成於秦王政八年(公元前239年),為秦國相國呂不韋及其門人集體編纂而成。其內容涉及甚廣,以道家黃老思想為主,兼收儒、名、法、墨、農和陰陽各先秦諸子百家言論,是雜家的代表作也是中國古代類書的起源(C )字義為上古之書,是中國最早的一部史書,也是散文之祖。元代以後,通稱書經。(D) 《禮記》,儒學經典之一,所收文章是孔子的學生及戰國時期儒學學者的作品。漢朝學者戴德將漢初劉向收集的130篇綜合簡化,一共得85篇,稱為《大戴禮記》,後來其姪戴聖又將「大戴禮記」簡化刪除,得46篇,再加上《...

【評論主題】【題組】92.The passage is mainly about_.(A) similarities between two types of information (B) difference

【評論內容】Nonetheless there are contrasts in the coding of the two types of information.

【評論主題】【題組】88.Which of the following statements is NOT true?(A)A play presents its action in front of an au

【評論內容】A play will be more successful performed before a small audience in a packed auditorium than before a larger audience in a half-filled one.

【評論主題】【題組】77. Which of the following is supported by the paragraph?(A) A total of twelve different species

【評論內容】You can remind them that the piranha is not always the notorious killer fish that the tough, muscular heroes of popular nature television shows would have us believe.

【評論主題】C.The world, it is often observed, is becoming increasingly standardized. We mostly buy similarthing

【評論內容】Line 4: For standardized products save time, reduce confusion, and may be cheaper and more predictable, especially when attached to a dependable brand.

【評論主題】5. The pooling and exchange of information to achieve some objective is mainly thecharacteristic of

【評論內容】Jigsaw is one kind of cooperative learning techniques. You can key in "jigsaw and cooperative learning" to search for the information.

【評論主題】5. The pooling and exchange of information to achieve some objective is mainly thecharacteristic of


An information gap activity is an activity where learners are missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find it.

Example Learner A has a biography of a famous person with all the place names missing, whilst Learner B has the same text with all the dates missing. Together they can complete the text by asking each other questions.

In the classroom Information gap activities are useful for various reasons. They provide an opportunity for extended speaking practice, they represent real communication, motivation can be high, and they require sub-skills s...

【評論主題】From its inception, children’s literature had in it an unusual educational function,which is to show

【評論內容】In short, through a combined representation of a good girl and a wicked stepsister, this tale promotes a pedagogy of fear and terror through images of death and disaster to pave the path for children to move into their expected roles.

【評論主題】【題組】40. What can be inferred from the article?(A) Toraja is a remote area where foreign visitors lov

【評論內容】Many years after he returned from Toraja, Mr. Hollan became a psychotherapist and opened a practice in Los Angeles. Most of his clients have voiced discomfort, at some point or another, with their sleep.

【評論主題】【題組】4.According to the article, what does the idiom “hole in the wall” experiment mean?(A)a very fan

【評論內容】holes in the wall A small, very modest, often out-of-the-way place.

【評論主題】【題組】90.According to the passgae, what is the possible reason that China must invest its surplus fund

【評論內容】China must invest its surplus funds abroad, ideally not just in government bonds—as mostly happens in America—and ideally in countries that are not about to go belly up, as may happen in Europe. Chinese investment in India is an idea whose time has come, if only the two sides can conquer a legacy of mistrust.

【評論主題】【題組】55. The statement ―…as part of a renewed appreciation for his work, Chaplin received anHonorary

【評論內容】He was accused of communist sympathies, while his involvement in a paternity suit and marriages to much younger women were considered scandalous.

【評論主題】【題組】50.What does the word “It” in the last paragraph refer to?(A)Google, the search engine.(B)The Ox

【評論內容】It means “to use the Google search engine to acquire information on the Internet.”

【評論主題】【題組】80. What does “slip through the cracks of history”?(A) disappear in the world (B) human history

【評論內容】Local natural disasters, war, and famine are some of the reasons languages slip through the cracks of history.

【評論主題】第49至52題為題組An alcohol breath test (ABT) is often used by the police to find out whether a person is d

【評論內容】Line 2 : while people under 21 are not allowed to drive a car with any level of alcohol in their body. (而21歲以下的人當身體有任何級別的酒精時不被允許駕車。)

【評論主題】20. The doctor turned off his cell phone because he ________ nurses reporting and demanding medical

【評論內容】(C) be fed up with 厭倦於...

【評論主題】22.周老師在指責班上某些調皮的學生時,在言辭上對這些學生的人格施以嚴厲批評,其結果非旦未能糾正這些學生的錯誤,反而引起其他學生對這些學生產生同情心,此現象為以下者?(A) 漣漪效應 (B) 成見效應


【評論主題】17.當進行內部人員評鑑時,最可能會產生下列何種缺點?(A) 無法提出具建設性的建議 (B) 無法掌握實際狀況(C) 容易發生當局者迷的現象 (D) 評鑑人員較不具熱誠














【評論主題】13.下列有關準實驗研究設計的敘述,何者有誤?(A) 適用於無法隨機分派受試者時 (B) 無法將誤差來源完全控制(C) 內在效度較弱 (D) 外在效度較高


真正實驗(true experiment)→能有系統控制自變項,隨機分派受試者


【評論主題】15. 學生到辦公室不會喊報告就進入是由於什麼原理造成?(A)正增強(B)負增強(C)漸隱(D)消弱。

【評論內容】(C) 漸隱法:與塑造法有異曲同工之妙。不同的是,漸隱法先提供最容易引發正確反應的情境刺激或模仿對象,再誘發刺激弱化的情況下鞏固正確反應,直到到這種正確反應在適當的新情境下仍能產生。如:書法練習中先描紅後臨貼,再到自行書寫的過程。

【評論主題】11. 主任認為職員一無所知,要求依指示行事,這是溝通障礙中的什麼現象?(A)嚷叫理論 (B)硬塞理論 (C)先聲奪人 (D)月暈效應。


【評論主題】A: Are you sleeping? B: No, ___________.(A) I am sleeping (B) I’m not eating (C) I’m eating (D) I am

【評論內容】A: 你正在睡覺嗎? B: 不,________________。(A) 我正在睡覺

【評論主題】It’s time__________ breakfast.(A) to (B) for (C) on (D) in


【評論主題】_____________read too many comic books, Becky.(A) Not (B) Don’t (C) No (D) Isn’t

【評論內容】祈使句 省略主詞 you 表 「命令請託」語氣時,肯定句使用「原型動詞」開頭,例如:Stand up. (站起來)  否定句使用「don't ... 」開頭表示「不要...」

【評論主題】Here_____________an eraser on the desk.(A) am (B) are (C) is (D) be

【評論內容】Here 地方副詞 放句首,句型倒裝。原句:An eraser is on the desk here. 故主詞 An eraser 單數,be-v. 選擇is。

【評論主題】______________I a teacher?(A) Is (B) Are (C) Am not (D) Am

【評論內容】I 搭配 be-v 為 am (A) (B) 刪除肯定直述句

【評論主題】(  )20.The frogs kept ________ all night. It was so noisy that I could not sleep.(A) croaking (B) ba

【評論內容】(A) croak  (v.) (蛙/鳥) 呱呱地叫(B) bark  (v.) (犬)吠

【評論主題】(  )27.Gary needs ________ at the fruit shop first.(A) to stopping (B) stopped (C) stops (D) to stop

【評論內容】英文句子中,若有第二個動詞,可以以「不定詞(to+VR)」 或「動名詞 (Ving)」表示,need 固定使用 「need+ to VR」用法,故選擇 (D)

【評論主題】(  )16.The new refrigerator is so big ________ we can’t put it in the kitchen.(A) that (B) but (C) b

【評論內容】題意:這台新的冰箱是如此的大______我們不能將它放在廚房。(A) that  以至於...(so...that 如此以至於)

【評論主題】(  )13.Derek is      handsome      he gets a lot of chocolate on Valentine’s Day.(A) so; that (B) to

【評論內容】(A) so+adj. +that + 子句 ( 如此...以至於)  符合語意故選之。題意為:  Derek 是如此的帥,以至於情人節時他收到許多巧克力。

【評論主題】(  )33.Henry planned to do more exercise because he ________.(A) got too fat (B) kept in shape (C) l

【評論內容】Henry 計畫要做更多運動因為他___。(A) got too fat 變得太胖

【評論主題】(  )19.Jenny fell off her bicycle. Luckily, she didn’t ________ at all.(A) get hurt (B) wake up (C)

【評論內容】Jenny 跌落他的腳踏車。幸運地,她一點也沒有____。(A) 受傷

【評論主題】(  )20.Mary ________ drink a cup of hot chocolate before going to bed, but now she drinks milk inste

【評論內容】used to + VR 表 過去習慣... 曾經...

【評論主題】(  )13.Ludwig: Where is your brother? Brenda: He’s on the basketball ________.(A) bell (B) court (C)


【評論主題】(  )27.Maggie ________ a student here.(A) uses to be (B) is going to (C) used to be (D) used being

【評論內容】(A) uses 應改成 used  (used to + VR 表 曾經... )(B) be-v going to+VR 表 將... 後面應加be動詞原型be

【評論主題】(  )56.There are a _______ of children(小孩)playing soccer in the park.(A) group (B) catalog (C) pair 

【評論內容】(A) group (n.) 群;組 【例】:a group of children  (一群小孩)(B) catalogue (n.) 目錄;清單

【評論主題】(  )9.The weather is getting cold. We need to buy more ________ for our baby children, or they may g

【評論內容】題意:天氣漸漸變冷了。我們需要買更多的__給我們的寶貝孩子,否則當他們睡著的時候可能會感冒。(A) mat (n.) 踏墊

【評論主題】(  )8.Kelly doesn’t want to face her mistakes. She always has thousands of ________.(A) housework (B

【評論內容】中文翻譯:Kelly 不想面對她的錯誤。她總是有好幾千個_______.(A) housework (n.) 家事

【評論主題】(  )27.________ cost Mr. White a lot of money to prepare for his daughter’s wedding.(A) There (B) Th

【評論內容】to prepare for his daughter’s wedding 為真主詞 ,不定詞(to + VR) 當主詞 時 可用 虛主詞 "it" 代替,並將不定詞往後移。

【評論主題】(  )47.We usually sleep in the _______ when we go camping outside.(A) tent (B) tree (C) fire (D) hot


【評論主題】(  )45.The weather changes fast in fall. You have to be more careful or you may ________ a cold easi

【評論內容】(A) catch (a cold)  得到(感冒)(B) copy (v.) 抄襲

【評論主題】(  )42.The little boy is so ________ that he can read newspapers by himself(他自己).(A) stupid (B) smar

【評論內容】*so + adj. + that + 子句 (如此...以至於...) 

【評論主題】(  )22.The life of a monkey is shorter than ________ of a tiger or a panda.(A) those (B) that (C) th

【評論內容】指示代名詞 that 和 those可以用來代替前面所提過的名詞,以避免重複。

【評論主題】(  )1.I remember putting the socks in one of the ________, but I can’t find them now.(A) fans (B) dr


【評論主題】【題組】What did Jennifer think of babies before the birth of Joshua?(A)They were little troublemakers.(

【評論內容】Jennifer had wondered how she would feel about her baby. Babies were surely boring to be around. They messed their diapers, and demanded to be fed constantly; they cried and slept and cried again. There was no communication with them.

【評論主題】【題組】How did the scientists at that time get to the higher sky?(A) by airplane (B) by balloon (C) by

【評論內容】In balloons they went higher in the air than anyone had ever gone before.

【評論主題】(三) Alzheimer is considered an old people disease. It normally affects people more than sixty-five y

【評論內容】However, women are more likely than men to develop the disease.

【評論主題】【題組】 To which tribe did Nancy Ward belong?(A) Mohawk (B) Creek (C) Cherokee (D) Iroquois

【評論內容】On the other side, Nancy Ward held positions of authority in the Cherokee nation.

【評論主題】【題組】42. Which of the following is mentioned as an alternative to replace animal experiments? (A

【評論內容】題幹詢問:下列何種方式為文章中所提及可以做為替代動物實驗的選項?(A) 數據研究

【評論主題】【題組】27.(A) users (B) rapid (C) gaining (D) medium

【評論內容】(A) user (n.) 使用者(B) rapid (adj.) 快速的

【評論主題】1456task (A) 復甦 (B) 任務 (C) 疤 (D) 貧窮

【評論內容】(A) recovery (n.) 復甦(B) task (n.) 任務

【評論主題】1441aware (A) 察覺到的 (B) 有吸引力的;嫵媚動人的 (C) 有益的;值得的 (D) 不拘禮節的

【評論內容】(A) be aware of  查覺到...(B) appealing (adj.) 有吸引力的

【評論主題】1682courageous (A) 不理性的 (B) 同情的 (C) 勇氣十足的 (D) 有禮貌的

【評論內容】(C)詞根 courage (n.) 勇氣→ courage+ous (a.) 有勇氣的

【評論主題】1670fury (A) 船長 (B) 下垂;低垂(常用單數) (C) 盛怒;大發雷霆 (D) 吧台

【評論內容】(A) captain (n.) 船長(B) drooping (n.) 下垂

【評論主題】1142mine (A) 生物學 (B) 礦山 (C) 採礦 (D) 羊毛


【評論主題】879sincerity (A) 消失;失蹤 (B) 真誠;誠摯 (C) 娛樂 (D) 女僕

【評論內容】詞根: sincere (adj.) 真誠的 → sincere +ity (n.) 真誠;誠摯

【評論主題】743archive (A) 區域 (B) 學生宿舍 (C) 大學生 (D) 資料庫

【評論內容】(A) region (n.) 區域(B) dorm = dormitory (n.) 學生宿舍

【評論主題】438bravely (A) 勇敢地 (B) 差不多 (C) 此後;因此 (D) 快樂地;愉悅地

【評論內容】(A) bravely (adv.) 勇敢地(B) almost (adv.) 差不多

【評論主題】192certainly (A) 當然;毫無疑問地 (B) 近來 (C) 永遠 (D) 熱情地

【評論內容】(A) certainly (adv.) 當然(B) recently (adv.) 近來


【評論內容】題意:A:你得意於什麼技能呢? (be proud of...以...為榮)           B:_______________________________________


【評論內容】(A) on(在...之上) : used to show that something is in a position above something else and touching it, or that something is moving into such a position(D) over(在...上方):above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the other; above

【評論主題】二、中譯日:【題組】⑴我這個人很怕冷,所以自兒時就很羨慕那些冬眠的動物,心想要是隆冬時節能一直鑽在温暖的被窩裏舒舒服服地睡覺,那該有多幸福啊!(12 分)

【評論內容】確認你已讀過這些產品上的________,並且仔細閱讀他們的最佳使用期限(有效期限)。(A) cable (n.) 電纜(B) table (n.) 桌子

【評論主題】【題組】⑷甲公司 X6 年 10 月 1 日應付公司債贖回損益。(5 分)

【評論內容】(A) run out of  耗盡(B) end with 以...作結