【評論主題】19 臨床上用與 Piperacillin 混合,以改善 Piperacillin 抗藥性的問題者?(A)Tazobactam(B)Thienamycin(C)Cilastatin(D)Clavula

【評論內容】Zosyn  generic name: piperacillin/tazobactam  , Piperacillin : Acylureido-penicillin

【評論主題】17 Feverfew(小白菊、黃葉菊)之主要用途為:(A)減輕頭痛 (B)抗發炎、解痙攣 (C)抗憂慮、安眠 (D)治療心臟病


【評論主題】57 下列降血醣藥物中不屬於 sulfonylurea 類者為?(A)Glyburide(B)Tolbutamide(C)Glipizide(D)Phenformine

【評論內容】Phenformin is an antidiabetic drug from the biguanide class. It was marketed as DBI by Ciba-Geigy, but was withd.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】70 Carmustine 在構造上係屬於那一類之抗癌藥?(A)Quinones(B)Nitrogen mustards(C)Aziridines(D)N-Alkyl-N-nitrosoureas

【評論內容】Carmustine 一種最具有脂溶性的烷化劑在構造上係屬於N-Alkyl-N-nit.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】19 臨床上用與 Piperacillin 混合,以改善 Piperacillin 抗藥性的問題者?(A)Tazobactam(B)Thienamycin(C)Cilastatin(D)Clavula

【評論內容】Zosyn  generic name: piperacillin/tazobactam  , Piperacillin : Acylureido-penicillin

【評論主題】41 下列那一抗生素較易引起Torsades de pointes?(A) Piperacillin (B) Cloxacillin (C) Moxifloxacin (D) Imipenem

【評論內容】antipneumococcal fluoroquinolone  用於治療心律不整 於fluoroquinolone中覺容易引起TDP

【評論主題】41 下列那一抗生素較易引起Torsades de pointes?(A) Piperacillin (B) Cloxacillin (C) Moxifloxacin (D) Imipenem

【評論內容】Moxifloxacin is a fourth-generation synthetic fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent developed by Bayer AG.與紅黴素並用時TDP發生率增加

【評論主題】25 下列那一個抗精神分裂症藥品可能會造成QTc prolongation?(A) Risperidone (B) Olanzapine (C) Ziprasidone (D) Quetiapine

【評論內容】Ziprasidone 及 Thioridazie 具有 quinidine-like 作用

【評論主題】43 下列何者為美國疾病管制中心(CDC)目前(2005)定為淋病(gonorrhea)的治療用藥?(A) Penicillin G procaine 4.8 MU IM with 1 g probe

【評論內容】Ceftriaxone is a third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic. Like other third-generation cephalosporins, it has broad-spectrum activity against Gram-positive bacteria and expanded Gram-negative coverage compared to second-generation agents.

【評論主題】58 吳老先生91 歲受退化性關節炎疼痛所苦,長期使用acetaminophen 及ibuprofen 無法止痛,現在醫師決定給與鴉片類止痛劑,下列處方何者為宜?(A)併用Oxycodone 及ace

【評論內容】Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic (opioid) synthesized from poppy-derived thebaine. Narcotic analgesics

【評論主題】22 Levodopa 與下列那一藥物併用,會降低Levodopa 的作用?(A) Ascorbic acid (B) Folic acid (C) Niacin (D) Pyridoxine


【評論主題】23 下列抗憂鬱藥品中,何者經行政院衛生署核可後亦可做為戒菸之輔助劑?(A) Mirtazapine (B) Citalopram (C) Bupropion (D) Venlafaxine

【評論內容】Venlafaxine is an antidepressant of the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor class.

【評論主題】加護病房一懷孕病患,使用管灌飲食,使用的藥品包括nifedipine PO、KCl sustained release tablet PO、ceftriaxone IV,在提高管灌食品量 18 小時後

【評論內容】Nifedipine is in a group of drugs called calcium channel blockers. It works by relaxing the muscles of your heart and blood vessels.

【評論主題】4 Amiodarone 應該避免與下列那一種抗菌劑合用,以免造成致命性的心律不整交互作用?(A) Moxifloxacin (B) Ciprofloxacin (C) Tetracycline (D

【評論內容】Moxifloxacin is a fourth-generation synthetic fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent. antipneumococcal fluoroquinolone  用於治療心律不整 於fluoroquinolone中比較容易引起TDP

【評論主題】24 Fluoxetine(Prozac)「絕對禁止」與下列那一類藥品一起服用,否則有「致命」的危險?(A) MAOIs (B) NSAIDs (C) TCAs (D) Statins

【評論內容】Using selegiline(MAOIs) together with FLUoxetine is not recommended. Combining these medications can increase the risk of a rare but serious condition called the serotonin syndrome

【評論主題】68 下列何種抗生素為 Cefaclor 的 isostere?(A) Cefazolin (B) Cefadroxil (C) Cefprozil (D) Loracarbef

【評論內容】Loracarbef is an antibiotic. Its use was discontinued in 2006.

【評論主題】49 下列口服降血糖藥中,何者作用於 peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor γ(PPARγ)?(A) Glyburide (B) Metformin (

【評論內容】Rosiglitazone is an antidiabetic drug in the thiazolidinedione class of drugs. It works as an insulin sensitizer, by binding to the PPAR receptors in fat cells and making the cells more responsive to insulin.

【評論主題】51 下列何者屬於 dibenzocycloheptenes 抗組織胺藥?(A) Cyproheptadine (B) Meclizine(C) Clemastine (D) Dexchlorphen

【評論內容】Cyproheptadine, sold under the brand name Periactin or Peritol, is a first-generation antihistamine with additional anticholinergic, antiserotonergic, and local anesthetic properties.

【評論主題】35  Hydralazine 代謝具有 polymorphism 特性之途徑為何?(A) N-Acetylation (B) Benzylic oxidation(C) Aromatic hydro


【評論主題】31 下列鈣離子通道阻斷劑(calcium channel blockers)中,何者之結構特徵為 dihydropyridine?(A) Diltiazem (B) Nifedipine (C) V

【評論內容】Nifedipine (brand names Adalat CC and Procardia, according to FDA Orange Book) is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker that primarily blocks L-type calcium channels.

【評論主題】7 Clorazepate 在胃中會進行脫羧(decarboxylation)反應,所得產物與以下何藥物之主要代謝物相同?(A) Diazepam (B) Lorazepam (C) Flurazep

【評論內容】Clorazepate is a prodrug for desmethyldiazepam, which is rapidly produced as an active metabolite. Desmethyldiazepam is responsible for most of the therapeutic effects of clorazepate.

【評論主題】7 Clorazepate 在胃中會進行脫羧(decarboxylation)反應,所得產物與以下何藥物之主要代謝物相同?(A) Diazepam (B) Lorazepam (C) Flurazep

【評論內容】Clorazepate (marketed under the brand names Tranxene and Novo-Clopate), also known as clorazepate dipotassium, is a drug that is a benzodiazepine derivativeSince orally administered Clorazepate dipotassium is rapidly decarboxylated to form (nordiazepam), there is essentially no circulating parent drug. Nordiazepam, the primary metabolite, quickly appears in the blood and is eliminated from the plasma with an apparent half-life of about 40 to 50 hours.

【評論主題】73 一位50 歲的男性兩極化異常(bipolar disorder)的憂鬱症患者,同時具有腎絲球腎炎(glomerulonephritis)的病史。因其躁鬱非常嚴重需要接受藥物的治療,則下列何種藥物

【評論內容】Carbamazepine (CBZ) (Tegretol, Equetro) is an anticonvulsant and mood-stabilizing drug used primarily in the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder, as well as trigeminal neuralgia.

【評論主題】67 下列何種藥物的結構含有Sulfonamides,被用於治療類風濕關節炎?(A) Sulfacetamide (B) Sulfamethoxazole (C) Trimethoprim (D) S

【評論內容】Sulfasalazine 於體內可代謝成 sulfapyridine 及m-Aminosalicylic acid

【評論主題】65 下列何種藥物具有散瞳及解除鼻充血(nasal decongestant)之作用?(A) Isoproterenol (B) Prazosin (C) Dobutamine (D) Phenyle

【評論內容】Phenylephrine is a selective α1-adrenergic receptor agonist used primarily as a decongestant, as an agent to dilate the pupil, and to increase blood pressure

【評論主題】51 下列何種藥物會促進排卵?(A) Bicalutamide (B) Clomiphene (C) Mifepristone (D) Raloxifene

【評論內容】Clomifene or clomiphene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that has become the most widely prescribed drug for ovulation induction to reverse anovulation or oligoovulation. This synthetic drug is available as a white to pale yellow odorless tablet. 用於治療不孕症

【評論主題】39 下列何藥會誘導肝臟代謝酵素CYP2E1?(A) Carbamazepine (B) Ethanol (C) Phenytoin (D) Rifampin

【評論內容】Ethanol also called ethyl alcohol pure alcohol, beverage alcohol, or drinking alcohol

【評論主題】24 下列何種生物鹼之化學結構非為二聚體化合物(dimeric compound)?(A) Tubocurarine (B) Vincristine (C) Vinblastine (D) Resci

【評論內容】Rescinnamine is an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor used as an antihypertensive drug.

【評論主題】1 下列何種原型藥(prototype)可以發展成抗氣喘及抗過敏藥物Cromolyn?(A) Salicin (B) Ephedrine (C) Guaiacol (D) Khellin

【評論內容】Khellin is a furanochromone, an organic compo.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】49 下列口服降血糖藥中,何者最常造成低鈉血症(hyponatremia)?(A) Chlorpropamide (B)Tolazamide (C)Glimepiride (D)Nateglinide

【評論內容】長期投與Chlorpropamide 可能會出現稀釋性低鈉血症及水分滯留,。由於抗利尿激素的分泌增加。

【評論主題】75 Digoxin 與下列那一藥物併用,會使Digoxin 血中濃度增加?(A)Kaolin(B)Verapamil(C)Rifampin(D)Metoclopramide

【評論內容】Quinidine, verapamil 與anidarone 只要一點就能造成digoxin 的中毒,原因是將digoxin 由組織蛋白結合位置取代出,並且與digitoxin 競爭腎臟排出,因此, digoxin 血中濃度會增

【評論主題】41 下列那一個多巴胺作用劑(dopamine agonists)可以單獨使用於巴金森氏症(Parkison's disease)的治療?(A)Pergolide(B)Bromocripti

【評論內容】Ropinirole is a non-ergoline dopamine agonist with high relative in vitro specificity and full intrinsic activity at the D2 and D3 dopamine receptor subtypes, binding with higher affinity to D3 than to D2 or D4 receptor subtypes.

【評論主題】38 下列那一個藥品不是治療癲癇(epilepsy)的第一線藥?(A)Phenytoin(B)Carbamazepine(C)Topiramate(D)Valproic acid

【評論內容】Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor anticonvulsants inhibit the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. Generally carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are used to treat epilepsy, glaucoma, mountain sickness, and is used as a diuretic.

【評論主題】74 下列抗 TB 藥物中,何者能抑制細胞壁之合成?(A) INH (B) Rifampin (C) Pyrazinamide (D) Ethambutol

【評論內容】Isoniazid (INH) 及 ethambutol 同樣抑制Mycolic acid 結核桿菌細胞壁的主要成分 有殺菌作用

【評論主題】12 下列那一個抗菌劑可以「單一劑量(single-dose therapy)方式」來治療 Chlamydia 泌尿道系統感染?(A)Cefzil(B)Tetracycline(C)Aztreonam

【評論內容】Azithromycin is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as respiratory infections, skin infections, ear infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.  Macrolides

【評論主題】75 Procarbazine 的抗癌活性與下列何者有關?(A)CH3.的生成(B)Aziridium salt 中間產物(C)Diazonium salt 中間產物(D)形成 Carbinolami

【評論內容】Procarbazine 在體內會釋出methylhydrazine,再被氧化形.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】19 臨床上用與 Piperacillin 混合,以改善 Piperacillin 抗藥性的問題者?(A)Tazobactam(B)Thienamycin(C)Cilastatin(D)Clavula

【評論內容】Zosyn  generic name: piperacillin/tazobactam  , Piperacillin : Acylureido-penicillin

【評論主題】14 Busulfan 抗癌藥物的代謝產物具有下列那一個官能基?(A)Sulfide(B)Sulfonate(C)Sulfoxide(D)Sulfone

【評論內容】Busulfan is a alhylating agent 之抗癌藥物 可用於白血病

【評論主題】53 Methyldopa 降血壓的主要作用機轉為何?(A)拮抗 L-Dopa 的作用(B)轉化成α-Methylnorepinephrine 而作用在中樞α-Adrenoceptor(C)轉化成α-

【評論內容】Antiadrenergic agents, centrally acting: Methyldopa (L-α-Methyl-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine; Aldomet, Aldoril, Dopamet, Dopegyt, etc.) is an alpha-adrenergic agonist (selective for α2-adrenergic receptors)

【評論主題】65 下列α-Adrenoceptor 藥物作用的敘述,何者錯誤?(A)Prazosin 為α 1 -Adrenoceptor 拮抗劑(Antagonist)(B)Phenylephrine 為α 1

【評論內容】C)Yohimbine為α 2 -Adrenoceptor 拮抗劑Impotence agents treat erectile dysfunction and enable men to have sexual i.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】50 下列對於降血糖藥物 Sulfonylureas 的敘述,何者錯誤?(A)促進β細胞分泌 Insulin(B)打開 ATP 調控的鉀離子通道(ATP-sensitive potassium cha


【評論主題】22 VCR(Vincristine)是化學結構屬於 indole 類的生物鹼,可以用來治療:(A)頭痛(B)痛風(C)血管堵塞(D)兒童白血病


【評論主題】45 下列抗生素中何者不具腎毒性?(A)Azithromycin(B)Amikacin(C)Amphotericin B(D)Netilmicin

【評論內容】a subclass of macrolide antibiotics.

【評論主題】43 下列治療氣喘藥品中,何者不具抗發炎(Anti-inflammatory)的作用?(A)Budesonide(B)Cromolyn(C)Montelukast(D)Salmeterol

【評論內容】Salmeterol  is a long-acting beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist drug that is prescribed for the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD).

【評論主題】68 下列藥品中,何者與Benzodiazepine(ω 1)接受器的結合較具專一性,作用起始時間約半小時,半衰期約2.5 小時,適合作為安眠劑?(A)Zolpidem(B)Lorazepam(C)E

【評論內容】Zolpidem tartrate is a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A agonist of the imidazopyridine class and is available in 5 mg and 10 mg strength tablets for oral administration.Zolpidem, the active moiety of Zolpidem tartrate, is a hypnotic agent with a chemical structure unrelated to benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or other drugs with known hypnotic properties. It interacts with a GABA-BZ receptor complex and shares some of the pharmacological properties of the benzodiazepines. In contrast to the benzodiazepines, which non-selectively bind to and activate all BZ receptor subtype...

【評論主題】60 下列那一項藥品組合其交互作用發生的主要部位是在腎臟?(A)Penicillin - probenecid(B)Felodipine - grapefruit juice(C)Warfarin -

【評論內容】Probenecid (Lannett's Probalan) is a uricosuric drug that increases uric acid excretion in the urine

【評論主題】60 在體內經CYP450 代謝後才具有活性的抗癌藥物為:(A)Cyclophosphamide(B)Nitrogen mustard(C)Carmustine(D)Sulfur mustard

【評論內容】Cyclophosphamide, also known as cytophosphane, is a nitrogen mustard alkylating agent, from the oxazaphosphinans group.

【評論主題】64 下列何者為2-Amino-1,4-benzodiazepine 的藥物?(A)Oxazepam(B)Chlordiazepoxide(C)Lorazepam(D)Prazepam

【評論內容】Chlordiazepoxide Hydrochloride Capsules, USP, the original Chlordiazepoxide Hydrochloride and prototype for the benzodiazepine compounds,Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride is 7-chloro-2-(methylamino)-5-phenyl-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine 4-oxide hydrochloride. A white to practically white crystalline substance, it is soluble in water. It is unstable in solution and the powder must be protected from light.

【評論主題】55 下列那一種屬於Purine antagonist 之抗癌藥物,其分子內具有F 原子?(A)ARA-A(B)5-Fu(C)Fludarabine(D)Cladribine

【評論內容】抗代謝藥品Fludarabine嘌呤拮抗劑在體內形成活性的2-F-ara-ATP能抑制ribonucleotide reductase因此能抑制DNA合成 作用於細胞週期S-phase

【評論主題】55 下列那一種屬於Purine antagonist 之抗癌藥物,其分子內具有F 原子?(A)ARA-A(B)5-Fu(C)Fludarabine(D)Cladribine

【評論內容】Cladribine is a drug used to treat hairy cell leukemia and multiple sclerosis. Its chemical name is 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine.

【評論主題】55 下列那一種屬於Purine antagonist 之抗癌藥物,其分子內具有F 原子?(A)ARA-A(B)5-Fu(C)Fludarabine(D)Cladribine

【評論內容】Fludarabine or fludarabine phosphate is a chemotherapy drug used in the treatment of hematological malignancies. It is a purine analog, which interferes with DNA synthesis.

【評論主題】50 選出可導致Lactic acidosis 之口服抗糖尿病之藥物:(A)Glimepiride(B)Orinase(C)Acetohexamide(D)Phenformin

【評論內容】Lactic acidosis is a physiological condition characterized by low pH in body tissues and blood accompanied by the buildup of lactate, especially L-lactate, and is considered a distinct form of metabolic acidosis. Lactic acidosis is characterized by lactate levels >5 mmol/L and serum pH.

【評論主題】39 下列那一種抗生素可以以口服的方式投予藥物?(A)Cefaclor(B)Cefoxitin(C)Cephalothin(D)Cefoperazone

【評論內容】Cefaclor, also known as cefachlor or cefaclorum (brand names Ceclor, Distaclor, Keflor, Raniclor), is a second-generation cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia and ear, lung, skin, throat, and urinary tract infections.

【評論主題】22 Hetacillin 係下列那一種Penicillin 之Prodrug?(A)Amoxicillin(B)Ampicillin(C)Oxacillin(D)Methicillin

【評論內容】Hetacillin is a beta-lactam antibiotic that is part of the aminopenicillin family.

【評論主題】10 Cytarabine 含有下列那一種糖類之Glycoside?(A)Ribose(B)Deoxyribose(C)Arabinose(D)Deoxyarabinose

【評論內容】Cytosine is one of the four main bases found in DNA and RNA, along with adenine, guanine, and thymine. It is a pyrimidine derivative, with a heterocyclic aromatic ring and two substituents attached.

【評論主題】76 下列抗癌藥物中何者化學上具有Anthraquinone 構造?(A)Actinomycin D(B)Adriamycin(C)Bleomycin A(D)Vincristine

【評論內容】Doxorubicin INN, also known as hydroxydaunorubicin, is a drug used in cancer chemotherapy.

【評論主題】76 下列抗癌藥物中何者化學上具有Anthraquinone 構造?(A)Actinomycin D(B)Adriamycin(C)Bleomycin A(D)Vincristine

【評論內容】Anthraquinone, also called anthracenedione or dioxoanthracene, is an aromatic organic compound with formula.

【評論主題】61 下列 Calcium channel blocker,何者化學上屬於Phenylalkylamine?(A)Nifedipine(B)Verapamil(C)Amlodipine(D)Dilti

【評論內容】Verapamil (brand names: Isoptin, Verelan, Verelan PM, Calan, Bosoptin, Covera-HS) is an L-type calcium channel blocker of the phenylalkylamine class.

【評論主題】49 下列鎮痛劑中何者化學上屬Aniline derivative?(A)Indomethacin(B)Acetaminophen(C)Aspirin(D)Nabumetone

【評論內容】Aniline, phenylamine or aminobenzene is an organic compound with the formula C6H5NH2.

【評論主題】40 下列降壓藥中,何者其作用方式屬於活化Potassium channel?(A)Hydralazine(B)Reserpine(C)Diazoxide(D)Methyldopa

【評論內容】Diazoxide is a potassium channel activator, which causes local relaxation in smooth muscle by increasing membrane permeability to potassium ions.

【評論主題】12 Rifampin 與下列那一種藥物同屬於半合成之Rifamycin?(A)Emetine(B)Ethambutol(C)Cycloserine(D)Rifabutin

【評論內容】Rifabutin (Rfb) is a bactericidal antibiotic drug primar.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】80 下列何藥用於治療肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)?(A)Amantadine(B)Riluzole(C)Rivastigmine(D)Seleg

【評論內容】A disease of the motor nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing progressive loss of motor control.riluzole systemic ,class: miscellaneous uncategorized agents

【評論主題】78 下列何種藥物之作用是經由mercaptopurine 來媒介?(A)Azathioprine(B)Cyclophosphamide(C)Levamisole(D)Tacrolimus

【評論內容】Azathioprine 是經Glutathione conju.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】69 下列何藥不用於治療帕金森氏症(Parkinsonism)?(A)Bromocriptine(B)Levodopa(C)Risperidone(D)Ropinirole

【評論內容】Risperidone is an atypical antipsychotic drug which is mainly used to treat schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, the mixed and manic states associated with bipolar disorder, and irritability in people with autism.

【評論主題】66 與 Benzodiazepine 類藥物比較,Buspirone 具有下列那些優點:①抗焦慮作用快速 ②無催眠作用 ③對恐慌症(panic disorders)較有效 ④無成癮性(A)只有①③對

【評論內容】In vitro preclinical studies have shown that Buspirone has a high affinity for serotonin (5-HT1A) receptors. Buspirone has no significant affinity for benzodiazepine receptors and does not affect GABA binding in vitro or in vivo when tested in preclinical models.Buspirone has moderate affinity for brain D2-dopamine receptors. Some studies do suggest that Buspirone may have indirect effects on other neurotransmitter systems.

【評論主題】60 下列何者類固醇藥物於局部使用時最無活性?(A)Hydrocortisone(B)Prednisone(C)Prednisolone(D)Triamcinolone


【評論主題】58 有關抗氣喘藥物之敘述中,下列何者正確?(A)Cromolyn 抑制肥大細胞(mast cell)合成組織胺(B)Terbutaline 選擇性作用在β 1 -adrenoceptor(C)The

【評論內容】cromolyn  class:Mast cell stabilizers 抑制分泌組織胺Terbutaline 選擇性作用在β 2 -adrenoceptor

【評論主題】42 下列治療糖尿病藥物中,何者在長期使用後,會產生降低小腸吸收維生素B 12 的副作用?(A)Glyburide(B)Metformin(C)Repaglinide(D)Rosiglitazone

【評論內容】Metformin decreases hepatic glucose production, decreases intestinal absorption of glucose, and improves insulin sensitivity by increasing peripheral glucose uptake and utilization.

【評論主題】17 麻黃鹼(Ephedrine)(結構如下)可用於製備下列何種管制藥?   (A)Amphetamine(B)Lysergic acid diethylamide(C)Mescaline(D)Met

【評論內容】Methamphetamine is often used recreationally for its effects as a potent aphrodisiac, euphoriant, and stimulant.

【評論主題】47 下列何組藥物併用時需特別注意會造成 QT interval 延長心律不整的心臟毒性?(A)Astemizole 及 Ketoconazole(B)Cefaclor 及 Cisapride(C)C

【評論內容】Astemizole (R43512, marketed under the brand name Hismanal) was a second-generation antihistamine drug that has a long duration of action.The mechanism is azole inhibition of CYP450 3A4, the isoenzyme responsible for the metabolic clearance of astemizole. High plasma levels of astemizole have been associated with prolongation of the QT interval on the ECG; ventricular arrhythmias including ventricular tachycardia and torsade de pointes; cardiac arrest; and sudden death.

【評論主題】38 下列那一個藥品與 warfarin 合用時,可能增加其出血機率?(A)Carbamazepine(B)Phenytoin(C)Ticlopidine(D)Rifampin

【評論內容】Ticlopidine (trade name Ticlid) is an antiplatelet drug in the thienopyridine family.

【評論主題】80 下列藥品中,何者若單獨用於巴金森氏症 (Parkinson’s disease) 之治療,則療效不佳?(A)Amantadine(B)Entacapone(C)Levodopa/carbidop

【評論內容】Entacapone (INN) (or) is a drug that functions as a catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) inhibitor.

【評論主題】59 美國 FDA 針對 Helicobacter pylori 治療所建議的混合療法(combination regimens) 中,並未包含下列何項抗生素?(A)Amoxicillin(B)Cla

【評論內容】Helicobacter pylori幽門桿菌, previously named Campylobacter pylori, is a Gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium found in the stomach.

【評論主題】58 下列那一項藥會造成便秘?(A)Acarbose(B)Cisapride(C)Colchicine(D)Bismuth subsalicylate

【評論內容】(D)Bismuth subsalicylateGastrointestinal Agents → Antidiarrheals