【評論主題】10.老師上課開始時造訴同學:我們今天上課的重點,是氣溫愈高,海水蒸速度愈快.這種提示是運用何種教學策略(A)建構主義教學 (B)發現探究教學 (C)前導組織教學 (D)概念獲得教學



【評論主題】7. His father had been the glue in the _____ family. Soon after the father passed away, discord amon


meticulous (a.) 精確的He describes the scene in a meticulous details

insidious (a.) ★★★Many people from this insidious disease have no idea that they are infected. 

assiduous (a.) ★★★This project requires some assiduous planning.

fractious (a.) ★★★A fractious child needs a lot of effort to take care of. 

【評論主題】8. Amid strong protest, the ruling party decided to _____ this legislative proposal and have it stas


reimburse 補償

(B) reiterate 重申

(C) resuscitate 復甦

(D) rescind撤销

【評論主題】8. Amid strong protest, the ruling party decided to _____ this legislative proposal and have it stas


reimburse 補償

(B) reiterate 重申

(C) resuscitate 復甦

(D) rescind撤销

【評論主題】7. His father had been the glue in the _____ family. Soon after the father passed away, discord amon


meticulous (a.) 精確的He describes the scene in a meticulous details

insidious (a.) ★★★Many people from this insidious disease have no idea that they are infected. 

assiduous (a.) ★★★This project requires some assiduous planning.

fractious (a.) ★★★A fractious child needs a lot of effort to take care of. 

【評論主題】30. Science is enabling more and more couples to conceive, but ____formidable barriers remain. (A) f

【評論內容】1. 很少數;幾乎沒有Few of my acquaintances like Sarah. 我的熟人中很少有人喜歡賽拉。2. (與a或the連用)一些,幾個Only a few of my friends were informed about it. 這件事只有我的幾個朋友知道。

【評論主題】【題組】17. (A)continuum (B)dementia (C)psychosis (D)catharsis



【評論主題】【題組】25. (A)succinct (B)paranoid (C)charismatic (D)conscientious


succinct 簡明的;言簡意賅的

【評論主題】10. You can see the statue is displayed ____ right at the gate of the museum. You won’t miss it.(A)s



【評論主題】【題組】25.(A) with (B) for (C) by (D) on

【評論內容】apply with people

【評論主題】10.For job hunters interviewing for multiple positions, finally receiving that offer can be a great


irreversible 不可改變的,不可逆轉的

not possible to  change; impossible to return to aprevious condition

【評論主題】【題組】30.(A) diffusion (B) transmission (C) exemption (D) exoneration

【評論內容】diffusion擴散,散播Clouds cause the diffusion of light from the sun.



(義務等的)免除;免(稅)[C][U][(+from)]He was granted exemption from military service.


【評論主題】49. 下列何者屬於「操作制約」學習?(A)阿花不敢在課堂上講話,因為她看到班上其他同學講話被老師責罵(B)計程車司機總知道最快到達目的地的捷徑,因為他熟悉大台北附近環境(C)阿草害怕老鼠,因為每次老


(A)  阿花不敢在課堂上講話,因為她看到班上其他同學講話被老師責 罵   社會學習

(B)計程車司機總知道最快到達目的地的捷徑,因為他熟悉大台北附 近環境 方位學習

(C)阿草害怕老鼠,因為每次老鼠出現他朋友就會大聲尖叫 古典制約

(D)阿敏會以哭來引起父母的注意,因為他一哭就會得到父母的關注 操作制約

【評論主題】3. The city government required all property owners to_____ illegal extensions in three weeks.(A)dis

【評論內容】去掉……的覆蓋物;從(房子、船等)拆除[(+of)]dismantle a house of its roof


【評論主題】2. The CEO _____ all his employees to celebrate the 20thanniversary of the company.(A)concealed (B)c

【評論內容】集會;聚集Congress will convene again in the fall.


【評論主題】2. The CEO _____ all his employees to celebrate the 20thanniversary of the company.(A)concealed (B)c

【評論內容】會合;趨於會合[(+on/toward)]聚集;趨於同樣結果(或目的等)[(+on)]The two armies converged on the enemy capital for the last battle of the war.


【評論主題】【題組】32. (A) that (B) within which (C) of (D) or


【評論主題】【題組】36. (A) a vast array (B) a wide segregation (C) a different kind (D) a various collection

【評論內容】(排列整齊的)一批;一系列;大量[S][(+of)]The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems.


【評論主題】11. His enlightened view helped ___ our school forward, in a world where you need to be at the top o

【評論內容】跳躍;撐物跳躍;撐竿跳[Q][(+over)]The criminal vaulted over the wall and ran off.


【評論主題】10. The students are getting intensive exposure to the social ___ of health, and they also learn not

【評論內容】compliance承諾順從;屈從equilibrium 平衡

【評論主題】19.Sugar is a cheap, seductive pleasure, but its sweetness _________ a bitter history. For centuries

【評論內容】belie掩飾His smile belies his anger.


【評論主題】20. He wishes that he _____ the accident last night.(A) could have avoided (B) avoided (C) has avoid


used with the past perfect to express that you feel sorry or sad about a particular action in the past


I wish (that) I hadn't eaten so much.我真希望自己沒吃那麼多。

【評論主題】16. People can live in paradise and still be unhappy because they screw_______ everything in their l

【評論內容】使振作;鼓舞[(+up)]He finally screwed up enough courage to try to dive.


【評論主題】1. After taking a long vacation, the basketball player isnow full of _____ and enthusiasm again.(A)v

【評論內容】臉(常指面容、表情等)She has a smiling visage.


【評論主題】8. Amid strong protest, the ruling party decided to _____ this legislative proposal and have it stas


reimburse 補償

(B) reiterate 重申

(C) resuscitate 復甦

(D) rescind撤销

【評論主題】5. This fledgling boxer is now ready to test his _____ by signing up for a nationwide boxing match.(



mettle 氣概

(B) coffer 保險箱

(C) coiffure 髮型

(D) lineup陣容

【評論主題】2. Many people’s main _____ about living in Beijing is its hazardous smog.(A) gloat (B) gripe (C) qu


gloat 幸災樂禍

 gripe 抱怨

quid    a pound一英鎊

quirk  怪癖

【評論主題】7. His father had been the glue in the _____ family. Soon after the father passed away, discord amon


meticulous (a.) 精確的He describes the scene in a meticulous details

insidious (a.) ★★★Many people from this insidious disease have no idea that they are infected. 

assiduous (a.) ★★★This project requires some assiduous planning.

fractious (a.) ★★★A fractious child needs a lot of effort to take care of. 

【評論主題】4. She seemed to _____ nonchalance, but was actually watching every move we made.(A) circumvent (B)


circumvent 規避

(B) parry 招架

(C) feign 假装

(D) evict逐出

【評論主題】1. Signatories asserted that the pact is a _____ one and can benefit both parties.(A) conspicuous (B


conspicuous 顯眼

reciprocal 互惠

 detrimental 有害

lopsided  偏斜

【評論主題】【題組】31. (A) as if (B) despite of (C) as long as (D) even though



I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.不管天氣如何,這一周我過得還是很愉快的。

【評論主題】【題組】44. (A) beliefs (B) marvels (C) hurdles (D) pensions

【評論內容】hurdle =obstacles.

【評論主題】10.老師上課開始時造訴同學:我們今天上課的重點,是氣溫愈高,海水蒸速度愈快.這種提示是運用何種教學策略(A)建構主義教學 (B)發現探究教學 (C)前導組織教學 (D)概念獲得教學



【評論主題】53. 下列哪一個變項為名義變項?(A)甲穿8號球鞋,乙穿6號。(B)甲學號1020,乙1203。(C)甲小考得分70分,乙80分。(D) 甲百公尺跑14秒,乙跑16秒。


【評論主題】二、何謂國家(State)?作為國際關係中最重要的行為主體,國家的結構性特徵為何?我們應如何透過國家來理解國際關係?自近代以來,國家的結構特徵又先後出現何種變化趨勢?(25 分)

【評論內容】因應式問句則是幫助當事人看到自己任何微小的正向力量,以激發當事人潛力!!線上測驗: /tfulltext-%E4%BE%8B%E5%A4%96%E5%95%8F%E5%8F%A5.htm#99#ixzz4CwCfP4pt