【評論主題】12.多元評量可以指涉下列何種意義?甲、多元的評量目的 乙、多元能力的評量 丙、多元的評量方式 丁、多元文化的評量(A)甲乙丙 (B)甲丙丁 (C)甲乙丁 (D)乙丙丁





【評論主題】19. All of us ___ to the concert yesterday. We encored (再加演) the performers and gave them a big hand


題目提到yesterday, 勢必用過去式,或是第二句encored 也是以過去式呈現,由此推知是過去式。invite是邀請,要用被動式,被邀請去參加音樂會。故答案 (D)were invited

【評論主題】八、閱讀測驗:(May is talking to her dad about the coming camp.)May: Dad, I’ll go camping with my classmate



Dad: The weather report says that it’ll be cooler on the weekend.  You’d better take one more sweater with you.

B、C、D 都是晴天、熱相關,故選A

【評論主題】7.A:Do you play sports?B:Yes.I play tennis and ______ in my free time.(A)badminton (B)chess (C)rock 



A badminton 羽毛球

B chess 西洋棋

C rock 石頭

D note 筆記


【評論主題】【題組】45. ( ) How would the mayor probably feel after he saw Gordon feed his coat?(A) Ashamed (B) Exci


最後一段Gordon說"I came in my gardening clothes, and nothing was said to me. I was ignored by everyone. But in this coat, you make me the guest of honor. I was the same person both times. Since the coat is your guest of honor, it must have some of this delicious food!"


【評論主題】【題組】28. ( ) (A) why she lost her smartphone (B) who stole them(C) where she put his jewelry (D) how



Wendy: Yes, she does. The police told her that one worker from Cambodia did it. That worker used to work at her house.


故找有Who的答案 B