【評論主題】When the first baby arrives in a household, everything changes. __41__, the parents needed an alarm

【評論內容】Formerly, the parents __42__, but now all their free time is spent admiring their infant. __43__ pre-baby days, their life is more carefully planned. While they used __44__ to see friends whenever they wanted to, that is no longer possible. If they want to go out without the baby, they must arrange for a babysitter. __45__ the neat and tidy rooms of the past, these days their apartment is full of baby things. Their friends have even noticed a difference in the topic of conversation: It’s always about the baby...

【評論主題】More than any other region, Asia is the place where the family-business model reigns supreme. In 200

【評論內容】Yet while this _____42_____ has underpinnings both culturally and historically, Asia isn’t that different from the rest of the world—just _____43_____ in its economic takeoff. The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. _____45_____ a Chinese axiom holds, “Wealth does not span three generations.” This pattern will hold because of all the pressure on family rule...

【評論主題】【題組】42. (A) it (B) it is (C) they (D) they are

【評論內容】New York and Michigan are also big _____43_____ . Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.

【評論主題】When the first baby arrives in a household, everything changes. __41__, the parents needed an alarm

【評論內容】Formerly, the parents __42__, but now all their free time is spent admiring their infant. __43__ pre-baby days, their life is more carefully planned. While they used __44__ to see friends whenever they wanted to, that is no longer possible. If they want to go out without the baby, they must arrange for a babysitter. __45__ the neat and tidy rooms of the past, these days their apartment is full of baby things. Their friends have even noticed a difference in the topic of conversation: It’s always about the baby...

【評論主題】【題組】42. (A) it (B) it is (C) they (D) they are

【評論內容】New York and Michigan are also big _____43_____ . Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.

【評論主題】More than any other region, Asia is the place where the family-business model reigns supreme. In 200

【評論內容】Yet while this _____42_____ has underpinnings both culturally and historically, Asia isn’t that different from the rest of the world—just _____43_____ in its economic takeoff. The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. _____45_____ a Chinese axiom holds, “Wealth does not span three generations.” This pattern will hold because of all the pressure on family rule...

【評論主題】17.下列詞語與應用場合配對正確的是:(甲)秦晉之好/賀升遷;(乙)弄瓦徵祥/賀生子;(丙)彤管流芳/男喪輓聯;(丁)甘棠遺愛/政界輓聯;(戊)出谷遷喬/賀遷居;(己)宜室宜家/賀出嫁(A)甲乙戊 (










【評論主題】11.下列各人物,在文學史上被尊為「隱逸詩人之宗」者為:(A)屈原 (B)李白 (C)李商隱 (D)陶淵明






【評論主題】7.杜牧〈遣懷〉:「落魄江湖載酒行,楚腰纖細掌中輕。十年一覺揚州夢,贏得青樓薄倖名。」本詩中所欲表達的情感是:(A)玩歲愒日 (B)身不由己 (C)夜長夢多 (D)滄海桑田


【評論主題】26.新產品定價時,行銷人員常考慮採用滲透定價法(penetration pricing),下列何者是滲透定價的適用情 境?(A) 市場重視價格與知覺品質關聯性 (B) 產品成本與產量關聯性低(C)




【評論主題】18.下列何種產品較適合採用獨家式配銷策略?(A) 香煙 (B) 汽油 (C) 手機 (D) 珠寶



【評論主題】25.下列哪一種購買特徵是屬於組織採購特徵?(A)購買者人數眾多 (B)非專業購買 (C)衍生性需求(D)彈性需求



1. 衍生需求


2. 購買量與金額龐大


3. 需求波動大


4. 缺乏彈性需求


【評論主題】When the first baby arrives in a household, everything changes. __41__, the parents needed an alarm

【評論內容】Formerly, the parents __42__, but now all their free time is spent admiring their infant. __43__ pre-baby days, their life is more carefully planned. While they used __44__ to see friends whenever they wanted to, that is no longer possible. If they want to go out without the baby, they must arrange for a babysitter. __45__ the neat and tidy rooms of the past, these days their apartment is full of baby things. Their friends have even noticed a difference in the topic of conversation: It’s always about the baby...

【評論主題】More than any other region, Asia is the place where the family-business model reigns supreme. In 200

【評論內容】Yet while this _____42_____ has underpinnings both culturally and historically, Asia isn’t that different from the rest of the world—just _____43_____ in its economic takeoff. The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. _____45_____ a Chinese axiom holds, “Wealth does not span three generations.” This pattern will hold because of all the pressure on family rule...

【評論主題】【題組】42. (A) it (B) it is (C) they (D) they are

【評論內容】New York and Michigan are also big _____43_____ . Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.

【評論主題】Earth has warmed by about 1ºF over the past 100 years. But why? And _____1_____ ? Well, scientists a

【評論內容】The Earth could be getting warmer on its own, _____2_____ many of the world’s leading climate scientists think that things people do are helping to make the Earth warmer. Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth’s temperature, _____3_____ in turn causes changes in climate. A _____4_____ Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue of climate change, their _____5_____ is about global warming caused by human activities. It is because they are sure ab...

【評論主題】Recently we asked for your opinions about paying students to improve school attendance or performanc

【評論內容】But more of you were against the idea than were __42__ it. Some people said paying students sends a message that __43__ is the only valuable reward. Steven from China says students should study for knowledge. Money may improve performance in the short term, he says, but we should think about the __44__. Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying. __45__ students is like "drinking poison to end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects...

【評論主題】When the first baby arrives in a household, everything changes. __41__, the parents needed an alarm

【評論內容】Formerly, the parents __42__, but now all their free time is spent admiring their infant. __43__ pre-baby days, their life is more carefully planned. While they used __44__ to see friends whenever they wanted to, that is no longer possible. If they want to go out without the baby, they must arrange for a babysitter. __45__ the neat and tidy rooms of the past, these days their apartment is full of baby things. Their friends have even noticed a difference in the topic of conversation: It’s always about the baby...

【評論主題】There is many a crown for those _________.(A) who match their brain with action (B) who thought it

【評論內容】能將想法付諸行動的人往往能獲得榮耀。以文意來看,A.較為符合,故選A.。A.能將想法付諸行動的人 B.認為值得去做的人 C.有時能達成目標的人 D.輕易充滿野心去追求的人crown:皇冠、榮耀(名);many a = many;match A with B:使A和B相配;worth:值得(名);ambitiously:野心勃勃地(副);reach for:伸手去拿、追求https://www.facebook.com/examcshop520/posts/10151657342244443

【評論主題】【題組】44.(A) long term (B) paying students (C) school performance (D) valuable reward

【評論內容】Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying. __45__ students is like "drinking poison to end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects.

【評論主題】More than any other region, Asia is the place where the family-business model reigns supreme. In 200

【評論內容】Yet while this _____42_____ has underpinnings both culturally and historically, Asia isn’t that different from the rest of the world—just _____43_____ in its economic takeoff. The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. _____45_____ a Chinese axiom holds, “Wealth does not span three generations.” This pattern will hold because of all the pressure on family rule...

【評論主題】【題組】42. (A) it (B) it is (C) they (D) they are

【評論內容】New York and Michigan are also big _____43_____ . Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.

【評論主題】【題組】43. (A) crops (B) natives (C) producers (D) states

【評論內容】Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.

【評論主題】【題組】44. (A) which (B) but (C) with (D) when

【評論內容】Intelligent data-extraction software enables 45 to get maximum value from the corpus, and our editorial team has benefited from a collaboration with University of Brighton’s Information Technology Research Institute.

【評論主題】【題組】43. (A) at (B) out (C) in (D) for

【評論內容】A large and diverse corpus is an essential basis for this operation, 44 it is only the starting point. Intelligent data-extraction software enables 45 to get maximum value from the corpus, and our editorial team has benefited from a collaboration with University of Brighton’s Information Technology Research Institute.

【評論主題】【題組】42. (A) found (B) for all (C) made (D) again

【評論內容】Ensuring that we cover the “right” information calls, first, 43 careful analysis of all the available linguistic data. A large and diverse corpus is an essential basis for this operation, 44 it is only the starting point. Intelligent data-extraction software enables 45 to get maximum value from the corpus, and our editorial team has benefited from a collaboration with University of Brighton’s Information Technology Research Institute.