
(A) it
(B) it is
(C) they
(D) they are




【用戶】留留 留


【評論內容】New York and Michigan are also big _____43_____ . Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.



【評論內容】不懂they are為何可以代替apples.?? apples.是無生命的,也可以用 they (他們)替代??用it 不行嗎

【用戶】留留 留


【評論內容】New York and Michigan are also big _____43_____ . Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.



【評論內容】不懂they are為何可以代替apples.?? apples.是無生命的,也可以用 they (他們)替代??用it 不行嗎

【用戶】留留 留


【評論內容】New York and Michigan are also big _____43_____ . Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.



【評論內容】不懂they are為何可以代替apples.?? apples.是無生命的,也可以用 they (他們)替代??用it 不行嗎

【用戶】留留 留


【評論內容】New York and Michigan are also big _____43_____ . Among nations, China is the biggest grower, _____44_____ by the United States and Turkey. This year, American growers expect to _____45_____ nearly four thousand five hundred million kilograms of apples. That is a little less than last year’s record harvest.



【評論內容】不懂they are為何可以代替apples.?? apples.是無生命的,也可以用 they (他們)替代??用it 不行嗎