
(A) await
(B) console
(C) postpone
(D) suggest






【評論內容】consolen.[C] 可數名詞1. 操縱臺;(電腦的)操作桌;(管風琴的)演奏臺2. 落地式收音機(或電視機等);(收音機等的)落地櫃



【評論內容】(A) await 等候(B) console 安慰(C) postpone 延遲(D) suggest  建議The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st.安德魯卡內基和約翰D.洛克菲勒這樣的美國工業家在19世紀建立的帝國。 20世紀大部分都被解散了,而21世紀同樣的命運似乎等待著亞洲許多戰後的大亨。



【評論內容】The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to __44__ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. (十九世紀時,美國所建立的大企業像是AndrewCarnegie以及JohnD.Rockefeller都在二十世紀崩解,如此的命運也降臨在二十一世紀亞洲戰後的企業巨頭身上。)44. (A) await 等待,將降臨到...身上(B) console 安慰(C) postpone 延遲(D) suggest 建議 



【評論內容】consolen.[C] 可數名詞1. 操縱臺;(電腦的)操作桌;(管風琴的)演奏臺2. 落地式收音機(或電視機等);(收音機等的)落地櫃



【評論內容】(A) await 等候(B) console 安慰(C) postpone 延遲(D) suggest  建議The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st.安德魯卡內基和約翰D.洛克菲勒這樣的美國工業家在19世紀建立的帝國。 20世紀大部分都被解散了,而21世紀同樣的命運似乎等待著亞洲許多戰後的大亨。



【評論內容】The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to __44__ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. (十九世紀時,美國所建立的大企業像是AndrewCarnegie以及JohnD.Rockefeller都在二十世紀崩解,如此的命運也降臨在二十一世紀亞洲戰後的企業巨頭身上。)44. (A) await 等待,將降臨到...身上(B) console 安慰(C) postpone 延遲(D) suggest 建議 



【評論內容】consolen.[C] 可數名詞1. 操縱臺;(電腦的)操作桌;(管風琴的)演奏臺2. 落地式收音機(或電視機等);(收音機等的)落地櫃



【評論內容】(A) await 等候(B) console 安慰(C) postpone 延遲(D) suggest  建議The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st.安德魯卡內基和約翰D.洛克菲勒這樣的美國工業家在19世紀建立的帝國。 20世紀大部分都被解散了,而21世紀同樣的命運似乎等待著亞洲許多戰後的大亨。



【評論內容】The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to __44__ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. (十九世紀時,美國所建立的大企業像是AndrewCarnegie以及JohnD.Rockefeller都在二十世紀崩解,如此的命運也降臨在二十一世紀亞洲戰後的企業巨頭身上。)44. (A) await 等待,將降臨到...身上(B) console 安慰(C) postpone 延遲(D) suggest 建議 



【評論內容】consolen.[C] 可數名詞1. 操縱臺;(電腦的)操作桌;(管風琴的)演奏臺2. 落地式收音機(或電視機等);(收音機等的)落地櫃



【評論內容】(A) await 等候(B) console 安慰(C) postpone 延遲(D) suggest  建議The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to _____44_____ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st.安德魯卡內基和約翰D.洛克菲勒這樣的美國工業家在19世紀建立的帝國。 20世紀大部分都被解散了,而21世紀同樣的命運似乎等待著亞洲許多戰後的大亨。



【評論內容】The 19th- century empires built by. U.S. industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller were largely dissolved in the 20th, and the same fate appears to __44__ many of Asia’s postwar tycoons in the 21st. (十九世紀時,美國所建立的大企業像是AndrewCarnegie以及JohnD.Rockefeller都在二十世紀崩解,如此的命運也降臨在二十一世紀亞洲戰後的企業巨頭身上。)44. (A) await 等待,將降臨到...身上(B) console 安慰(C) postpone 延遲(D) suggest 建議