
Recently we asked for your opinions about paying students to improve school attendance or performance ontests. Some American __41__ are doing this. But more of you were against the idea than were __42__ it.Some people said paying students sends a message that __43__ is the only valuable reward. Steven fromChina says students should study for knowledge. Money may improve performance in the short term, he says, butwe should think about the __44__.Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying. __45__ students is like "drinking poisonto end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects.
(A) news
(B) opinions
(C) schools
(D) students


統計:A(10),B(80),C(931),D(228),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:10 The minimum ______ is the lowest amount of money an employer is allowed to pay an employee.


【用戶】Allison Tsai


【評論內容】最近我們要求你們提供意見,是關於公費生能增進學校出席率,或在考試上的成績表現。有些美籍學校正在進行這件事。但多數的你們反對這個觀念更勝支持。有些人說,公費生(的設立)傳達了一個訊息,也就是金錢成了唯一有價值的獎賞。來自中國的Steven說,學生應該為知識而學習。他說,金錢或許能改善短期的表現,然而我們應該思考長遠的成果。Zhao Jing Tao,一位中國的大學生,想到一句成語。公費生就像「飲鴆止渴」,試圖解決問題卻不考慮結果。

【用戶】留留 留


【評論內容】But more of you were against the idea than were __42__ it. Some people said paying students sends a message that __43__ is the only valuable reward. Steven from China says students should study for knowledge. Money may improve performance in the short term, he says, but we should think about the __44__. Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying. __45__ students is like "drinking poison to end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects...



【評論內容】Recently we asked for your opinions about paying students to improve school attendance or performance on tests. (最近我們向你們詢問有關付費請學生到校上課或參加考試的意見。)Some American __41__ are doing this. (一些美國學校正如此進行著。)41. (A)news 新聞 (B)opinions 意見 (C)schools 學校 (D)students 學生