【評論主題】04. When facts are(_____________) and data are hard to come by, even scientists occasionally throw a

【評論內容】Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.在温室里培养出来的东西,不会有强大的生命力.

【評論主題】When it comes to the core of education, we value morality and ________. The former is the ability to


【評論主題】The young man got the job simply because his father was on ___ terms with the manager of the company

【評論內容】be on intimate terms with與...關系密切, 有不正當性關系, 熟悉...

【評論主題】The air strikes launched to hit Gaddafi’s hometown have sometimes been ______, missing targets and k


【評論主題】17.下列敘述何者正確(A)元曲四大家-關漢卿、馬致遠、白樸、孔尚任 (B)《詩經》以五言為主,是中國最早的詩歌總集 (C)唐傳奇是長篇章回小說 (D)楚辭起於屈原,屈原賢而被饞流放,作《離騷》以自傷


孔尚任(1648年-1718年),字聘之,又字季重,號東塘,又號岸堂,一號雲亭山人,山東 曲阜人,孔子後裔。歷官國子監 博士、戶部 主事、員外郎,中國 清朝戲劇作家,著有《桃花扇》,與《長生殿》作者洪昇齊名,俗謂「南洪北孔」。

【評論主題】The air strikes launched to hit Gaddafi’s hometown have sometimes been ______, missing targets and k


【評論主題】17.下列敘述何者正確(A)元曲四大家-關漢卿、馬致遠、白樸、孔尚任 (B)《詩經》以五言為主,是中國最早的詩歌總集 (C)唐傳奇是長篇章回小說 (D)楚辭起於屈原,屈原賢而被饞流放,作《離騷》以自傷


孔尚任(1648年-1718年),字聘之,又字季重,號東塘,又號岸堂,一號雲亭山人,山東 曲阜人,孔子後裔。歷官國子監 博士、戶部 主事、員外郎,中國 清朝戲劇作家,著有《桃花扇》,與《長生殿》作者洪昇齊名,俗謂「南洪北孔」。

【評論主題】【題組】88. 西方人以左右搖頭來表示他們不同意。(3%)


【評論主題】7. My oldest sister has a naturally ____ personality. She’s very talkative and sociable.(A)chirping

【評論內容】a gregarious child who ran up to every person on the playground and wanted to be their friend

【評論主題】26. Face book says a bug in its system caused six million users’ contact information to be _____ exp

【評論內容】in·ad·ver·tent(nd-vûrtnt)adj.1. Not duly attentive.

【評論主題】The air strikes launched to hit Gaddafi’s hometown have sometimes been ______, missing targets and k


【評論主題】17.下列敘述何者正確(A)元曲四大家-關漢卿、馬致遠、白樸、孔尚任 (B)《詩經》以五言為主,是中國最早的詩歌總集 (C)唐傳奇是長篇章回小說 (D)楚辭起於屈原,屈原賢而被饞流放,作《離騷》以自傷


孔尚任(1648年-1718年),字聘之,又字季重,號東塘,又號岸堂,一號雲亭山人,山東 曲阜人,孔子後裔。歷官國子監 博士、戶部 主事、員外郎,中國 清朝戲劇作家,著有《桃花扇》,與《長生殿》作者洪昇齊名,俗謂「南洪北孔」。

【評論主題】The air strikes launched to hit Gaddafi’s hometown have sometimes been ______, missing targets and k


【評論主題】17.下列敘述何者正確(A)元曲四大家-關漢卿、馬致遠、白樸、孔尚任 (B)《詩經》以五言為主,是中國最早的詩歌總集 (C)唐傳奇是長篇章回小說 (D)楚辭起於屈原,屈原賢而被饞流放,作《離騷》以自傷


孔尚任(1648年-1718年),字聘之,又字季重,號東塘,又號岸堂,一號雲亭山人,山東 曲阜人,孔子後裔。歷官國子監 博士、戶部 主事、員外郎,中國 清朝戲劇作家,著有《桃花扇》,與《長生殿》作者洪昇齊名,俗謂「南洪北孔」。

【評論主題】17.下列敘述何者正確(A)元曲四大家-關漢卿、馬致遠、白樸、孔尚任 (B)《詩經》以五言為主,是中國最早的詩歌總集 (C)唐傳奇是長篇章回小說 (D)楚辭起於屈原,屈原賢而被饞流放,作《離騷》以自傷


孔尚任(1648年-1718年),字聘之,又字季重,號東塘,又號岸堂,一號雲亭山人,山東 曲阜人,孔子後裔。歷官國子監 博士、戶部 主事、員外郎,中國 清朝戲劇作家,著有《桃花扇》,與《長生殿》作者洪昇齊名,俗謂「南洪北孔」。

【評論主題】04. When facts are(_____________) and data are hard to come by, even scientists occasionally throw a

【評論內容】Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.在温室里培养出来的东西,不会有强大的生命力.

【評論主題】The opposition parties are criticized for ________ all initiatives of the government to hold discuss

【評論內容】disclosing是公開透露信息,為什麼要criticized,覺得答案B boycotting拒絕出席討論會比較好~

【評論主題】When it comes to the core of education, we value morality and ________. The former is the ability to


【評論主題】The young man got the job simply because his father was on ___ terms with the manager of the company

【評論內容】be on intimate terms with與...關系密切, 有不正當性關系, 熟悉...

【評論主題】The young man's ___ smile won him everyone's trust. (A) ingenious (B) ingenuous (C) ingrai


The adjective ingenious means extremely clever--marked by inventive skill and imagination. Ingenuous means straightforward, candid, without guile.

Examples:"To read of a detective's daring finesse or ingenious stratagem is a rare joy." (Rex Stout)She was enchanted by his ingenuous expression and frank blue eyes.Practice:

(a) Her plan was _____, but she lacked the courage to carry it out.(b) She flashed a wide, _____ smile.

【評論主題】The goal of the drug abuse is to ____ anyone with a drug addiction for them to get back to a normal

【評論內容】題目少了一個字 center,如樓上~

Rehabilitation or rehab may refer to:

1 Mental health2 Other medical3 Music4 Other uses

【評論主題】The goal of the drug abuse is to ____ anyone with a drug addiction for them to get back to a normal

【評論內容】tout 是宣揚?嗯,有可能,要看句子的意思。Tout Tout, v. t. (Horse Racing)(a) To spy out information about, as a racing stable orhorse. [Cant, Eng.](b) To give a tip on (a race horse) to a better with theexpectation of sharing in the latter's winnings. [Cant,U. S.][Webster 1913 Suppl.]

【評論主題】Several celebrities have openly ____ this product.(A) bestowed(B) lured(C) varied(D) endorsed

【評論內容】endorse 不只是贊同,而是背書,他們有拿到商品的廣告錢~

【評論主題】For their gig, they will _____ older songs with new material from a forthcomingCD.(A) intersperse (B


【評論主題】微小的(adj.)(A) slight(B) remote(C) 皆是(D) 皆非

【評論內容】remote 是遠程,遙遠的,查一下字典就知道,答案是A

【評論主題】The _____ made by the CEO during the conference call were considered a sign that the company was pre


言辭; 談論, 評論[C][(+on/upon/about/at)]

【評論主題】The Japanese restaurant has been very popular not only because they serve great meals but also becau


in style 有氣派地; 闊氣地

【評論主題】21. Every candidate (A)'under' (B)'considering' for a federal job must (C)'

【評論內容】查網路,這題答案是B,但的題目還打錯了一個字 through,應該是thorough~答案變成 B和C.



【評論主題】39. In a communicative language teaching context the teacher does NOT _________.(A) provide roughly-


Classroom activities used in communicative language teaching can include the following:

Role-playInterviewsinformation gapGamesLanguage exchangesSurveysPair-workLearning by teaching

However, not all courses that utilize the Communicative Language approach will restrict their activities solely to these. Some courses will have the students take occasional grammar quizzes, or prepare at home using non-communicative drills, for instance. William Glasser's "control theory" exemplifies his attempts to empower students and give them voice by focusing on their basic, human needs: Unless students...

【評論主題】請把選項中文法錯誤的挑出來The electric furnace (A) is used extensively (B) to produce the high-grade steel is req

【評論內容】答案 C 應該改成 B== is required 應該改成 required

【評論主題】39. In a communicative language teaching context the teacher does NOT _________.(A) provide roughly-

【評論內容】direct test 似乎是上課直接問,或給考試。at the expense是花費。軍事力量常建立在不計國家經濟的花費。答案d,是說為了增進流利,也可花費在清晰跟模糊的會話上。

【評論主題】28. Which two methods adopt an inductive approach to teaching grammar?(A)The Direct Method & The Sit

【評論內容】focused on two ways of teaching grammar, the deductive method 演繹法and theinductive methods.歸納法 We believe both methods have merits and drawbacks. The bestway is to vary methods in different situations.

【評論主題】6. Philosophers take up the complex problem,_____on it and produce greatworks.(A) sober (B) kindle (


【評論主題】4. The church is a _____ of symbolism inviting believers’ spiritual discoveryand reflection.(A) hypo


【評論主題】Megan has a(n) ______ appetite for food. She can eat all day and still feel hungry.(A) insatiable (B

【評論內容】While varnish 塗漆 is essentially brushed on, lacquer 噴漆 will usually be sprayed onto the surface.

【評論主題】Smog, one of the nation’s most widespread and deadly pollutants, ______ asthma.(A) exhorts (B)grudge

【評論內容】exhort 勸告,grudge積怨,exacerbate加劇,bifurcate分叉

【評論主題】Megan has a(n) ______ appetite for food. She can eat all day and still feel hungry.(A) insatiable (B


【評論主題】According to the director of the Emily Post Institute, the ______ for poor service at a restaurant i


【評論主題】Researches now warn that the supply of PhDs in all fields seems to have far __________ demand in the


【評論主題】【題組】25. 兒子

【評論內容】(A)rebuff (B)incentive (C)heritage (D)denunciation:(一)回絕(二)獎勵(三)遺產(四)退出

【評論主題】【題組】5. Alex hasn’t written to me for a long time-___________ he’s lost my address.



【評論內容】contraction - 收縮

【評論主題】1. 解一元二次方程式 。(4分)


【評論主題】【題組】55. 有你的幫助,我可以比任何人更快速地完成作業。


【評論主題】9.醒來_____ _____


【評論主題】9.醒來_____ _____

【評論內容】gist 要旨

【評論主題】18. 服裝材料具有下列哪一項性質,方能具有保存空氣以調節體溫的特性?(A)通氣性 (B)吸水性(C)透濕性(D)含氣性


【評論主題】1已知一個二位數,十位數字為x,個位數字為y。【題組】(1) 十位數字與個位數字和為12,請依題意列出二元一次方程式。____





【評論主題】4.他們全都是 「 ㄧㄢˋ 」 品,其價值如土


【評論主題】【題組】 ⑶繪出同樣功能的邏輯閘電路圖。 (10 分)


【評論主題】五、何謂 burst atlas 損傷?通常如何造成?(10 分)


【評論主題】一、請說明一片森林被砍伐後其演替過程(succession)為何?(8 分)並另回答下列問題:【題組】⑴依照演替的定義,此屬於何類型的演替?(4 分)


【評論主題】三、1980 年代中期澳洲檔案學界提出紀錄連續體(Records Continuum)理論,希望藉此重新建構文書檔案管理思維,其中主要倡導者 Frank Upward 提出的紀錄連續體圖示從那四個軸(

【評論內容】Every time we talk about the hard pioneering days, we have so much to say that we can't get it all out. 大家一提起那艰苦创业的日子,总有说不完的话。all-out 沒完沒了的革命戰爭接踵而至~

【評論主題】95. 畢業學長們(alumni) 沒想到我們會在這麼棒的地方舉辦樂聲揚呢!

【評論內容】The purposes that should be in a listening activity are giving/providing:General information (understanding of the main points)答案BSpecific information (understanding of the particular items)Cultural interest (generally informing about the target language culture)Information about people's attitudes and opinionsThe organization of ideasSequence of eventsLexical items (words expressing noise / movement)Structural items (their use and meaning)答案AFunctional items (their form and use)

for places and names 答案A和B都不對,答案C也不是,不了解答案D,但它是剩下的了...

【評論主題】【題組】3. 其子代與親代Aabb膚色相同的機率為何?【    】

【評論內容】不是disparage,它是詆毀、輕視。Examples of DISPARAGEVoters don't like political advertisements in which opponents disparage one another.It's a mistake to disparage their achievements.The article disparaged polo as a game for the wealthy.

【評論主題】2.After the storm, we had to clean out our b____t because it was filled with water.


【評論主題】2. M_______p of this club can be applied for on the Internet, and all you need to do is fill out the


【評論主題】一、文意字彙 每題 1 分,共 20 分1. G_______ly speaking, girls learn new languages faster than boys do.


【評論主題】5. Food and shelter are e_______l to life.


【評論主題】一、文意字彙 每題 1 分,共 20 分1. G_______ly speaking, girls learn new languages faster than boys do.


【評論主題】The lawyer was going to ______ the plaintiff until her client was proven innocent.(A) refute (B) sub


【評論主題】She spent the day doing all the _______tasks that had to be done, cooking, washing, ironing and clea


【評論主題】He was so _____ about table manners that he lost his equanimity when his son reached for the bread.(


【評論主題】3.(甲)0.1 M,HCl (乙)0.1 M,CH3COOH(aq) (丙)0.01 M,CH3COOH(aq) (丁)0.1 M,CH3COOH(aq)與0.1 M,CH3COONa(aq)混合溶


superseded - 取代

reprimanded - 訓斥

germinated 使發芽

【評論主題】7. 如右圖所示的裝置稱為阿特午機,使用一質量可忽略且無摩擦的定滑輪,一輕繩跨過滑輪,兩端各懸掛質量為6.0公斤與4.0公斤之A、B兩物體。由靜止釋放後歷時2.0秒,求此時A、B兩物體的質心速率。(設


【評論主題】D. Henry上週終於下定決心要約Judy出去。Last week, Henry finally ____8____ ____9____ his ____10____ to ask Judy out


【評論主題】【題組】85. Many old buildings in Kyoto are in a good state of p__________.    As a result,visitors can

【評論內容】senility 高齡; 衰老; 年老糊塗 inanity 空洞; 淺薄; 愚蠢

capriciousness 變化無常, 變幻莫測

solemnity 莊嚴; 嚴肅; 莊重oppressive 壓迫的, 壓制的; 不公正的; 苛重的

【評論主題】【題組】66. I am i_____sed with the fireworks at Taipei 101 this year. I have never seen any as goodbefo


【評論主題】The air strikes launched to hit Gaddafi’s hometown have sometimes been ______, missing targets and k


【評論主題】The prosecutors admitted that the man’s confession was a fabrication made under ______. A court late


【評論主題】【題組】63. With the success of the movie, the actress became famous o_____t. Her instant fame iscertain


【評論主題】Firefighters searched for survivors, combing the remains of houses and neighborhood ______ by the na


deviated - 偏離mollified - 緘口不言

pulverized 霧化的粉碎的advocated 提倡者

【評論主題】【題組】65. The prison has the best security in the whole world. So far, no one has managed toe_____e fr


【評論主題】【題組】64. The government’s decision to ban smoking completely has drawn not praise but c_____m,especia

【評論內容】Fidelity is the quality of being faithful or loyal. 銀行都用fidelity,不用faithful 或loyal。