
        Modem offices are very different from those of the past. These days, many offices are designed to be environmentally friendly. In the past, the environment was rarely a concern. Now companies are learning that helping the environment can also save them money.
        Workplaces have also become safer for employees. In the past, companies wanted to avoid injuries. But they usually focused on accidents and not on injuries that happen slowly when employees repeated the same actions over and over again. Now workplaces are beginning to focus on preventing all sorts of injuries and health problems.
        Maybe the biggest change in modem offices is the flexibility they offer workers. Many employers now provide employees with flexible working hours. Some even allow their employees to work from home.

【題組】31.What is the main idea of this article?
(A) Modem offices are great places to be.
(B) It is easier to work now than in the past.
(C) Offices have changed a lot over time.
(D) Designers have improved modem offices.












【評論內容】What is the main idea of this article? (這篇文章的主旨是什麼?)(A) Modem offices are great places to be. (現代化的辦公室是個很棒的地方。)(B) It is easier to work now than in the past. (比過去,現在工作更輕鬆。)(C) Offices have changed a lot over time. (隨著時間推移,辦公室有了很大的轉變。)(D) Designers have improved modem offices. (設計師改善了現在化辦公室。)根據文章中,Modem offices are very different from those of the past. These days, many offices are designed to be environmentally friendly. In the past, the environment was rarely a concern. Now companies are learning that helping the envir...