
六、閱讀測驗請根據選項選擇一個最適當的答案。 6%    Forrest Gump is the main character in the movie Forrest Gump. He was born slow of mind. However, from going to college (大學) to running across the United States, he never let anything stop him from doing what he wanted to do. In Taiwan, there is also a “Forrest Gump.” His name is Chang Wenyan.          Chang was born almost blind, but since he was a child, he had been interested in running. When he was in senior high school, he completely (完全地) lost his sight in an accident and became very depressed. Luckily, one of his friends invited him to go to church, and there he found his hope again.          Chang learned that he could still run marathons if a coach (教練) ran with him. Therefore, he decided to run toward his dream. He found a good coach and practiced very hard. Later, he became the first blind runner who finished the full marathon in Taiwan.    Many people have learned a lot from Chang’s perseverance (毅力) and call him “Taiwan’s Forrest Gump.” Chang’s story also shows that everyone is able to face challenges and do anything he or she wants to do—just like Forrest Gump.
【題組】48.According to the passage, Forrest Gump is ________.
(A) a smart marathon runner
(B) Chang Wenyan’s running coach
(C) one of Chang Wenyan’s friends
(D) the main character in Forrest Gump

