
2. On the verge of vomiting, Emily struggles to walk to the bathroom, attempting to maintain herdignity, but it’s a ____ task.
(A) harmonious
(B) hieratic
(C) heterogeneous
(D) herculean






【評論內容】On the verge of vomiting, Emily struggles to walk to the bathroom, attempting to maintain her dignity, but it’s a ____ task.在嘔吐的邊緣,艾米麗掙扎著走到洗手間,試圖保持她的尊嚴,但這是一項 ____ 任務。



【評論內容】On the verge of vomiting, Emily struggles to walk to the bathroom, attempting to maintain her dignity, but it’s a herculean task.艾蜜莉嘔吐的邊緣,她努力走向浴室,試圖保持尊嚴,但這是一項艱巨的任務。herculean" 這個詞源自希臘神話中的英雄赫拉克勒斯(Hercules),他以其非凡的力量和勇氣而聞名,常被用來形容困難艱巨的任務。Hieratic 可以與神聖、宗教等詞彙聯繫在一起



【評論內容】(A)harmonious 和諧(B)hieratic 僧侶式的(C)heterogenous 異質(D)Herculean大力士



【評論內容】On the verge of vomiting, Emily struggles to walk to the bathroom, attempting to maintain her dignity, but it’s a ____ task.在嘔吐的邊緣,艾米麗掙扎著走到洗手間,試圖保持她的尊嚴,但這是一項 ____ 任務。



【評論內容】On the verge of vomiting, Emily struggles to walk to the bathroom, attempting to maintain her dignity, but it’s a herculean task.艾蜜莉嘔吐的邊緣,她努力走向浴室,試圖保持尊嚴,但這是一項艱巨的任務。herculean" 這個詞源自希臘神話中的英雄赫拉克勒斯(Hercules),他以其非凡的力量和勇氣而聞名,常被用來形容困難艱巨的任務。Hieratic 可以與神聖、宗教等詞彙聯繫在一起



【評論內容】(A)harmonious 和諧(B)hieratic 僧侶式的(C)heterogenous 異質(D)Herculean大力士