
32 It was useless to try to persuade Shirely to change her mind; so _____ was she that she would not even consider others’ suggestions.


統計:A(18),B(19),C(71),D(30),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:片語/ to後面+Ving 變成動名詞、與現在事實相反的假設


【用戶】Pei-Chun Zhan





【評論內容】allergicKK[əˋlɝdʒɪk]a.形容詞1.【醫】過敏的2.對...極討厭的 masculine  ←→feminineKK[ˋmæskjəlɪn]n.名詞1.男性[U]2.陽性; 陽性詞[U][C]obstinateKK[ˋɑbstənɪt]a.形容詞1.頑固的, 固執的She was as obstinate as a mule. 她固執得像頭驢子。2.頑強的, 不屈服的3.(疾病等)難治的; 難以控制的These weeds are really very obstinate. 這些草實在難以除盡。 tentativeKK[ˋtɛntətɪv]a.形容詞1.試驗性的, 嘗試的; 暫時性的a tentative plan 試驗性計劃2.躊躇的, 猶豫的Each step he took was slightly tentative. 他每走一步都有些遲疑不決...



【評論內容】It was useless to try to persuade Shirelynto change her mind; so _____ was she that she would not even consider others’nsuggestions. (A)allergic過敏的(B)masculine男性的,陽性的(C)obstinate固執的(D)tentative嘗試的,嘗試的;試驗性的;躊躇的試著說服nShirely 改變想法是沒有用的;如此的固執如她,以致於她完全不會考慮別人的建議。

【用戶】Pei-Chun Zhan





【評論內容】allergicKK[əˋlɝdʒɪk]a.形容詞1.【醫】過敏的2.對...極討厭的 masculine  ←→feminineKK[ˋmæskjəlɪn]n.名詞1.男性[U]2.陽性; 陽性詞[U][C]obstinateKK[ˋɑbstənɪt]a.形容詞1.頑固的, 固執的She was as obstinate as a mule. 她固執得像頭驢子。2.頑強的, 不屈服的3.(疾病等)難治的; 難以控制的These weeds are really very obstinate. 這些草實在難以除盡。 tentativeKK[ˋtɛntətɪv]a.形容詞1.試驗性的, 嘗試的; 暫時性的a tentative plan 試驗性計劃2.躊躇的, 猶豫的Each step he took was slightly tentative. 他每走一步都有些遲疑不決...



【評論內容】It was useless to try to persuade Shirelynto change her mind; so _____ was she that she would not even consider others’nsuggestions. (A)allergic過敏的(B)masculine男性的,陽性的(C)obstinate固執的(D)tentative嘗試的,嘗試的;試驗性的;躊躇的試著說服nShirely 改變想法是沒有用的;如此的固執如她,以致於她完全不會考慮別人的建議。

【用戶】Pei-Chun Zhan





【評論內容】allergicKK[əˋlɝdʒɪk]a.形容詞1.【醫】過敏的2.對...極討厭的 masculine  ←→feminineKK[ˋmæskjəlɪn]n.名詞1.男性[U]2.陽性; 陽性詞[U][C]obstinateKK[ˋɑbstənɪt]a.形容詞1.頑固的, 固執的She was as obstinate as a mule. 她固執得像頭驢子。2.頑強的, 不屈服的3.(疾病等)難治的; 難以控制的These weeds are really very obstinate. 這些草實在難以除盡。 tentativeKK[ˋtɛntətɪv]a.形容詞1.試驗性的, 嘗試的; 暫時性的a tentative plan 試驗性計劃2.躊躇的, 猶豫的Each step he took was slightly tentative. 他每走一步都有些遲疑不決...



【評論內容】It was useless to try to persuade Shirelynto change her mind; so _____ was she that she would not even consider others’nsuggestions. (A)allergic過敏的(B)masculine男性的,陽性的(C)obstinate固執的(D)tentative嘗試的,嘗試的;試驗性的;躊躇的試著說服nShirely 改變想法是沒有用的;如此的固執如她,以致於她完全不會考慮別人的建議。