
(A)Now some of the other candidates have begun to emerge.
(B)So these days, when it comes to life span, many people try to think of some long-lived family members.
(C)That means it is generally impossible to predict how long a person will live based on how long the person’s relatives lived.
(D)Also, they may be simply chance events, like a randomly occurring mutation in a gene of a cell that ultimately leads to cancer.


統計:A(19),B(131),C(67),D(40),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:片語/ to後面+Ving 變成動名詞、表時間的介係詞、101年公務人員特種考試司法人員三等


【用戶】Shi Jou



【用戶】Chinsanity L


【評論內容】這題在考什麼阿?? 不懂 沒有題目 直接就選項了.....



【評論內容】引用自Scorpiogirl:The scientific view of what determines a life span [1]or how a person ages has swung[2] back and forth. First, a couple of decades ago, the emphasis was on environment, eating right, exercising, and getting good medical care. 47 It is the idea that you either inherit the right combination of genes that will let you eat fatty steaks and smoke cigars and live to be 100, or you do not. And the notion has stuck[3]. 48 If they can come up with an ancestor or two who lived a long life, they assume they have a genetic gift for longevity. But recent studies find that genes ma...

【用戶】Shi Jou



【用戶】Chinsanity L


【評論內容】這題在考什麼阿?? 不懂 沒有題目 直接就選項了.....



【評論內容】引用自Scorpiogirl:The scientific view of what determines a life span [1]or how a person ages has swung[2] back and forth. First, a couple of decades ago, the emphasis was on environment, eating right, exercising, and getting good medical care. 47 It is the idea that you either inherit the right combination of genes that will let you eat fatty steaks and smoke cigars and live to be 100, or you do not. And the notion has stuck[3]. 48 If they can come up with an ancestor or two who lived a long life, they assume they have a genetic gift for longevity. But recent studies find that genes ma...

【用戶】Shi Jou



【用戶】Chinsanity L


【評論內容】這題在考什麼阿?? 不懂 沒有題目 直接就選項了.....



【評論內容】引用自Scorpiogirl:The scientific view of what determines a life span [1]or how a person ages has swung[2] back and forth. First, a couple of decades ago, the emphasis was on environment, eating right, exercising, and getting good medical care. 47 It is the idea that you either inherit the right combination of genes that will let you eat fatty steaks and smoke cigars and live to be 100, or you do not. And the notion has stuck[3]. 48 If they can come up with an ancestor or two who lived a long life, they assume they have a genetic gift for longevity. But recent studies find that genes ma...