
In North America and Europe, a slim woman is regarded as a beautiful person. But in many parts of Africa, a fat woman is a beautiful woman, and people think she is healthy and rich. If you are slim, that means you are a worker with little money and not enough food to eat. Also, people believe a slim woman is sick and can’t have children.To help girls look healthy and beautiful, people in central Africa send them to a fattening room. In the fattening room, the girl does not move much. She can only eat, sleep, and get fatter. Elder woman come to teach her about housework and chores. In Nigeria, brides go to a fattening house before they get married. At the end of time, but before the wedding, the brides walk through the village so everyone can admire their big bodies. A married woman can also go to a fattening room. A man wants his wife to be fat so other people will think that the man is rich and that he is a responsible husband.If parents don’t send their daughter to a fattening room, their friends and relatives will say the parents are not doing their duty. In the old days, girls sometimes stayed in a fattening room for two years. Today some families cannot afford more than a few months. Also, fattening rooms are not popular in cities now. In cities, health education and Western culture have a big effect on people’s ideas. But in villages, this traditional custom continues.
【題組】46 What is the passage mainly about?
(A)A traditional idea and practice of beauty in Africa.
(B)The management of the fattening house.
(C)The changing concept of beauty with time.
(D)The methods to get a good husband in Africa.


統計:A(173),B(28),C(66),D(12),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:表時間的介係詞、The different beauty definition of the different countries 、Word




【評論內容】 practice 習慣, 常規, 慣例 文中無論及審美觀隨時間而改變。

【用戶】Shi Jou








【評論內容】 practice 習慣, 常規, 慣例 文中無論及審美觀隨時間而改變。

【用戶】Shi Jou








【評論內容】 practice 習慣, 常規, 慣例 文中無論及審美觀隨時間而改變。

【用戶】Shi Jou

