
(A) product
(B) statement
(C) valuables
(D) incentive






【評論內容】  However, this logic does not work with public goods, such as clean air and water.  然而,這種邏輯不適用於乾淨的空氣和水等公共財。  These are goods that no one owns individually, so no one has a 47 to use them efficiently.  這些不是某人單獨擁有的財產,因此沒人有    來效率地使用它們。(B) financial statement (ph.) 【會計】財務報表(D) financial incentive (ph.) 經濟刺激;工作獎金  They tend to be wasted unless society imposes regulations, such as required pollution permits, which make degradation costly.  它們往往被浪費掉,除非社會強行調整,例如造成代價慘重環境退化的必要污染排放許可...



【評論內容】  However, this logic does not work with public goods, such as clean air and water.  然而,這種邏輯不適用於乾淨的空氣和水等公共財。  These are goods that no one owns individually, so no one has a 47 to use them efficiently.  這些不是某人單獨擁有的財產,因此沒人有    來效率地使用它們。(B) financial statement (ph.) 【會計】財務報表(D) financial incentive (ph.) 經濟刺激;工作獎金  They tend to be wasted unless society imposes regulations, such as required pollution permits, which make degradation costly.  它們往往被浪費掉,除非社會強行調整,例如造成代價慘重環境退化的必要污染排放許可...