
II. Translation (8%) (※請依提示單字或句型作答) 今天早上我經過公園時,發現 Ann 獨自一人坐在椅子上。我走上前去,想要和她打招呼。(1)讓我驚訝的是,她突然哭出來。她痛苦的、慢慢的說著她的故事,(2)淚水從臉頰滾下。她說她和男友 Peter 分手了。她和 Peter 原是大家認為最速配的一對。他們非常相愛,並且他們(3)盡可能找時間與對方相處。然而,他們卻常為了別人起爭執。她不願退讓,(4)他也不願退讓。終於上個禮拜某一天,Peter 要求離開她。當下她心碎了。我知道 Ann 仍然相信 Peter是她一生中遇見過最好的男人,但他們的問題似乎無解。(5)真希望我能幫助她很快走出情傷! This morning when I walked through the park, I found Ann sitting alone on the bench. Iwalked up, wanting to say hello to her. (1)________________________, she burst out crying. Shetold her story painfully and slowly, (2)________________________(roll). She said she had brokenup with her boyfriend, Peter. She and Peter were once thought to be a perfect match. They lovedeach other, and they spent (3)________________________(as…as). However, they often had aquarrel because of others. She wouldn’t yield, and (4)________________________. Then one daylast week Peter asked to leave her. She was heartbroken at that moment. I know Ann still believesthat Peter is the best man she’s ever met in her life, but there seems to be no remedy for theirproblems. (5)________________________(wish) get over her trauma very soon!




【用戶】Jill Wu


【評論內容】 中等學校培養學生的共同習慣、理想與標準,是發揮統整的功能

【用戶】Yoshiki Lin

