【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節    n.

【評論主題】In a televised interview, the Kang Ltd. CEOsaid that ------- of the merger with Bella VitaCorporatio


 詳情; 瑣事; 枝節  n.

【評論主題】15、數字7^100 除以 9 的餘數是多少? (A)1 (B)3 (C)4 (D)7


【評論主題】48. What type of learner mistake is the example in written work, “She arrived to the station early.”

【評論內容】She arrived at the station early.

【評論主題】【題組】(2)平分給甲、乙、丙三人的分法數有【    】種。

【評論內容】A:粗獷ㄘㄨ  ㄍㄨㄤˇ  C扎實 ㄓㄚ ㄕˊ  D搦管ㄋㄨㄛˋ  ㄍㄨㄢˇ

【評論主題】【題組】⑷時間解析度(temporal resolution)


【評論主題】三、在帶限(Bandlimited)無線通道(Wireless Communication Channel)中,傳輸的訊號經常受到帶限通道影響,發生符際干擾( InterSymbol Interfer




【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵甲、乙不服,各應如何救濟?(15 分)

【評論內容】私房菜更是美味,包你吃得津津有"胃 "--味

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵若此羊奶樣品添加 1.110 μg/mL 抗生素標準品後,以同樣分析條件測試得 2.219 μg/mL抗生素殘留,則分析的準確度(accuracy)如何?(7 分)何謂分析的準確度?(3

【評論內容】這種題目有都少人看的懂啊! 上傳考卷的善心人士 麻煩一下囉! (如果考試是這樣 大概有很多人會暈過去 我想我可能直接投降了 哈哈!)

【評論主題】70. The picture has faded beyond r n. It’s hard to tell who is in the picture.


【評論主題】【題組】 (4)粗料飼料




【評論主題】一、請試述政府行政機關在制訂資訊安全政策時,其內容至少必須包含那些事項。(25 分)


【評論主題】【題組】(二)若此營業部門最近一個月的盈餘為 192 百萬元,則其風險資本報酬率(RAROC)為 多少?


【評論主題】一、試述已通過之縣(市)改制或與其他直轄市、縣(市)合併改制為直轄市案,基於全國國土合理規劃及區域均衡發展之需要,如何合理調整較屬可行?試申己見。(25 分)




【評論主題】二、假如有一個三度空間陣列定義為 VAR A:array[1..8,1..6,1..5] of integer,其中 integer佔兩個位元組,且此陣列為列優先(Row Major),請回答下列問題




【評論主題】2.下列何種信度是心裡測驗最好的信度?(A)複本信度 (B)折半信度 (C)再測信度 (D)庫李信度





【評論主題】In language teaching, grammar is treated __________ when Grammar-Translation Method is in use.(A) de

【評論內容】文法教學是屬於推論演繹性質 把一個完整句子 分成很多的部份 如:主詞 +及物動詞 +受詞



這題我已經懂了,我的解釋是:吃了不潔食物之後腹瀉,兩項事件均稱為變項. 前者---吃了不潔的食物為操弄的變項(自變項)--- 為因

後者---腹瀉為依變相--- 為果

【評論主題】16.I need to ________ my French before I go on a trip to France.(A) check over(B) read out(C) brush


brush up on+科目: 溫習

If you're going to France you'd better brush up your Franch.

【評論主題】13. When early humans hunted and gathered food, they were not ______ their environment. They could o

【評論內容】They are not in control of their environment.控制

【評論主題】The notion of a language organ in our brain is called ______,which Chomsky feels we are born with. I


【評論主題】13.Which of the following sentences is NOT grammatically correct?(A) Jason walked into the classroom


Jason walked into the classroom,(這是主要子句)his shirt was tucked in.(為次要子句)

his shirt 為次要子句的主詞其動詞為tuck



【評論主題】38.九年一貫社會領域的評量是採用 (A)效標參照測驗 (B)常模參照測驗(C)個別參照測驗(D)團體參照測驗 的精神。


不是 所有科目都採用


【評論主題】17.請問下述何者是錯誤的?(A)信度低,效度一定低 (B)效度高,信度一定高 (C)效度低,信度一定低 (D)信度是效度的必要條件


效度是靶心  信度是靶


打中靶心  一定是在靶上 打中靶的 不一定是在靶心喔!

【評論主題】11. 在學說中強調「性」及「求生與求死的本能」是何種學派?(A)行為派 (B)認知派 (C)精神分析學派 (D)人本主義


馬斯洛在生理需求裡有談到"性"  佛洛伊德的理論,把人 的行為動機重新劃分為兩種“生之本能和死之本能”。 生之本能 產生多種多樣的機體本能,包括性愛本能...


【評論主題】22. 在學習歷程中,為促進「執行策略對學習過程的控制」的學習效果,教師宜作何種措施?(87.中師初教代課)(A)提供適當的回饋 (B)告知學習者學習目標(C)清晰的呈現學習教材 (D)評估學生的表現



就是給予正增強,也就是採代幣制度 即適當的給予學習者回饋


【評論內容】強迫入學條例施行細則第十條 :所稱長期缺課,指未經請假缺課達一星期以上而言。