
___ to the Internet, and you will find the information.
(A)Hold on
(B)Live up
(C)Give up
(D)Log on
(E)Pick up


統計:A(89),B(75),C(21),D(1188),E(138) #


【用戶】Chin Chin Ni


【評論內容】1-hold on 繼續 2無此字 3-give up 放棄 4-log on 註冊,登入 5-pick up 撿起

【用戶】Julia Su


【評論內容】log on=to start using a computer system or program by giving a password

【用戶】Ian Kite


【評論內容】To learn more about some of these measures, log on to the website. [Houston Chronicle]Log on to Samsung’s site and it’s blaring out “it’s time for a better tablet”. [Independent]Then make sure you log on to theage.com.au tonight at 7pm for Real Footy Live, our new AFL finals show. [The Age]The password came, but I was still unable to log in. [Guardian]On your iPhone, you toggle on PhotoStream and log in with your Apple ID. [Wired]Many Facebook(account) users logged in this morning and found a strange, new social-networking world. [USA Today...



【評論內容】live up to實踐; 遵守, 堅持; 無愧于Everyone ought to live up to what he knows to be right . 自己認為對的, 就應該在生活中去實踐。Students should live up to certain standards of behaviour . 學生應該遵守一定的行為準則。He has never lived up to his parents" expectations . 他完全辜負了父母的一片希望。