
E. (45~47)
       More and more people celebrate “Buy Nothing Day” on November 28th. Instead of shopping, what can people doon that day? Here are some good ideas!
 1. Go to the library. Pick up some books and learn something new!
 2. Cook something with things you already have in your house.
 3. Make something interesting from old things around the house. For example, make a lamp out of old glass bottles.
 4. Trade clothes with some of your friends. You may find that your closet is full of “new” clothes.
 5. Take a walk at the park.
【題組】45. According to the reading, what can we do without leaving the house?
(A)No. 2 and 3.
(B)No. 1 and 4.
(C)No. 3, 4 and 5.
(D)No. 1, 2 and 3.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...