
(A) concern
(B) need
(C) duty
(D) relevance






【評論內容】 Initially, the Grameen Bank did not (16)plan to get involved with the education of its borrowers. But as time went by, they began to feel the (17)need for it. Most of the borrowers had no formal education. (18) Without the ability to read and write, the borrowers had difficulty expanding their businesses. They (19)wanted to be able to keep accounts, read (20) information about business, health, new ways of farming, etc. They (21)sent their children to school and their children in turn helped their parents to keep accounts, read instructions and (22)anything   else needed to be read.      But this is not enough for the future. So the bank has set out to make sure that their borrowers (23) reaching a hundred percent literacy rate within five years.起初,格萊閩銀行不打算參與借款人的教育。 但隨著時間的推移,他們開始感到需要它。 大多數借款人沒有受過正規教育。 沒有讀寫能力,借款人難以擴展業務。 他們希望能夠記賬,閱讀有關商業、健康、新耕作方式等方面的資訊。他們送孩子上學,孩子反過來幫助父母記賬、閱讀說明和其他需要閱讀的內容 .      但這對未來來說還不夠。 因此,銀行已著手確保其借款人在五年內達到 100% 的識字率。註 : 孟加拉鄉村銀行,又稱格萊閩銀行(英語:Grameen bank),是一個位於孟加拉國的提供微型貸款的金融機構和社區發展銀行。它向窮人提供不需要抵押物的小額貸款(又被稱為微型貸款或者格萊閩貸款),其放款對象主要鎖定在貧鄉婦女,因她們貸款的動機單純是為了創業(家庭手工的小事業),所以借貸金額低,而這一點不算大的錢足以改善她們一家人的生活,且還款率高,已經高達99.9%。此系統是基於一個觀點,即貧窮的人們都有尚未開發的技能;有了激勵,他們可以賺更多的錢。銀行同時也接受存款和其他服務,也進行發展導向的經營,包括紡織品,電信和能源公司。(B) needneedKK[nid]名詞需求,需要;(尤指)生活需求I feel a need to talk to you about it.我覺得有必要跟你談談那件事。