
85. 一位52歲多年高血壓的病人,這次因malignant hypertension (systolic BP 210 mmHg)被送至急診,身體檢查: edema (3+), creatinine 1.4 mg/dL。病人接受腎臟生檢(renal biopsy),以下臨床與病理變化敘述,何者最正確?
(1) 腎臟病理切片: Fibrinoid necrosis and medial hypertrophy of small vessels
(2) 腎臟病理切片: mesangial proliferation and cellular crescent formation
(3) 腎臟病理切片: global sclerosis of glomerulus with pericapillary fibrosis
(4) 腎臟病理切片: IgA or IgM immune deposition at glomerular area
(5) 血液檢查: hypocomplementemia (low serum C3, low serum C4)
(6) Urinalysis 有heavy proteinuria, 但很少有hematuria
(A) (1)+(3)+(6)
(B) (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)+(6)
(C) (1)+(2)+(5)+(6)
(D) (1)+(4)+(5)
(E) (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)+(5)






【評論內容】Hypertensive nephrosclerosis在pathological findings分為3類討論:vascular, glomerular and tubulointerstitialVascular: medial hypertrophy, fibroblastic intimal thickening of large and small renal arteries and glomerular arterioles leading to narrowing of the vascular lumen.Glomerulosclerosis: focal global and focal segmental sclerosis. (ischemic injury leading to nephron loss, glomerular enlargement)Tubulointerstitial: interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (animal studies: favored related to severe stenosis of the main renal artery and ischemic kidney)    另外在於glomerular hemodynamics in progressive renal disease有兩項發現:Among initially untreated patients with mild hypertension, an elevated creatinine clearance (suggestive of glomerular hyperfiltration) at baseline has been related to a subsequent significant rise in the plasma creatinine concentration and higher blood pressure levels and to the development of moderately increased albuminuria (formerly called "microalbuminuria").Part of the enhanced risk in black patients may be related to maternal malnutrition, leading to low birth weight, impaired renal development, and a reduction in nephron number. The decrease in the number of nephrons results in compensatory hypertrophy in the nephrons that are present and subsequent glomerulosclerosis. The way by which the variants on the apolipoprotein 1 (APOL1) gene are translated into renal physiology has not been elucidated