
二、克漏字測驗 30% (賴DA.People around the world use body language to express themselves without speaking.一11一,the meanings of the very same body ianguage may vary greatly. A positive gesture in one country can signify something quite different in —12—. Take India for example. People living there would normally tilt their heads from side to side to show that they agree with others. Such a gesture can easily confuse people from other countries who shake their heack from left to right to express their —13—. Therefore,it is always a wise idea for visitors to —14— a countiy's culture before they set out to visit it. The differences in the use of body language, after all, may 一15一 various misunderstandings between people from different cultural backgrounds.
【題組】11.( )
(A) That is
(B) For instance
(C) By contrast
(D) However

