
122. 一位35歲女性病人因為懷疑有庫欣氏症而接受腦垂體手術,但開刀三個月後,月亮臉,腹部紫色斑紋,倦怠,上肢無力等症狀均未改善,腦垂體核磁共振未見明顯腫瘤,她的檢驗結果為 cortisol (8am) 28 ug/dL,4pm 26 ug/dL, ACTH 96 pg/mL, K 2.8 mmol/L, LDH 864 U/L。請問哪一項檢查或處置最恰當?(參考值cortisol (8sm) 5 ~25 ug/dL, cortisol (4pm) 2.5 ~12.5 ug/dL, ACTH 7.4 ~ 57.3 pg/mL, K 3.5 ~5.1 mmol/L,LDH 140 ~271 U/L)
(A) High dose dexamethasone suppression test
(B) 追蹤, 三個月後再做一次腦垂體核磁共振
(C) 雙側infeiror petrosal sinus sampling
(D) 胸腹骨盆腔電腦斷層
(E) 申請健保給付, 以 pasireotide 治療






【評論內容】High dose dexamethasone suppression test可用來鑑別診斷pituitary或是Ectopic ACTH production但病人已接受過pituitary surgery,因此不需做此檢查For ACTH-dependent cortisol excess, a magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the pituitary is the investigation of choice 同上,已做過pituitary surgery,不需要再追蹤brain MRIinferior petrosal sinus sampling,可用在High dose DEX結果equivocal時來鑑別診斷pituitary或是Ectopic ACTH production但病人已接受過pituitary surgery,因此不需做此檢查bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling (IPSS) with con- current blood sampling for ACTH in the right and left inferior petrosal sinus and a peripheral vein. An increased central/peripheral plasma ACTH ratio >2 at baseline and >3 at 2–5 min after CRH injection is indicative of Cushing’s disease, with very high sensitivity and specificity 病人為ACTH-dependent Cushing’s  syndrome,當pituitary 不像病灶時,應安排胸腹骨盆腔電腦斷層查Ectopic ACTHIf the differential diagnostic testing indicates ectopic ACTH syndrome, then further imaging should include high-resolution, fine-cut CT scanning of the chest and abdomen for scrutiny of the lung, thymus, and pancreas. If no lesions are identified, an MRI of the chest can be considered because carcinoid tumors usually show high signal intensity on T2-weighted images Cushing’s syndrome首選治療為手術治療,因此藥物治療在診斷確立前應無角色