
三、 閱讀測驗: ( 6 % 每題 2 分)
        Penny hasn’t had the best of luck for some time now. She is tired of being unlucky, so she decides to find out what shecan do to change her luck. Penny goes onto the Internet to search for ways to do this, and she finds one possible answer. Itsays she has to comb her hair inside a church. She’s not sure how that will change her luck, but she tries it anyway.
        However, it doesn’t work because bad luck still follows her around. Penny doesn’t give up. This time, she asks a friendwhat he does for good luck. He tells her to find a good luck charm like a four-leaf clover or a rabbit’s foot and carry it aroundwith her at all times. She doesn’t know why, but she likes how that idea sounds, so she gives it a try. As luck would have it,Penny finds a coin on the street, so she decides to make it her lucky charm. This turns out to be a bad idea because it makesher luck go from bad to worse.
       After that, Penny just stops believing in luck and starts believing in herself. And you know what? That’s when her luckreally begins to change.
* search 找尋 charm 護身符 clover 苜蓿 coin 硬幣
【題組】50. Why did Penny go online?
(A) She had no idea why she did that.
(B) She needed to ask her friend what to do.
(C) She wasn’t sure where to find a church.
(D) She wanted to know how to be luckier.





