
Questions 172~175 refer to the following instant messaging chain. 
RiceFields Town was once a sleepy little village nestled in the mountains, with its only connection to the outside world being a winding, treacherous road that snaked its way down to the nearest city. But all that changed with the construction of a brand new highway that connected the capital to the largest city in the south. 
 At first, the townspeople were wary of the changes that this new road brought. They worried that the peace and quiet of their village would be disturbed by the constant flow of traffic. But as time went on, they began to see the benefits. More and more travelers began to stop in their town, looking for a place to rest and refuel before continuing on their journey. Soon, the town became a bustling hub of activity, with merchants and traders setting up shop to cater to the needs of the travelers passing through. 
 Today, RiceFields Town is a thriving community, with a bustling market that draws visitors from all around. And though some of the older residents still yearn for the quiet, simple life of the past, most of the townspeople wouldn't dream of going back. For them, the constant hum of traffic and the steady stream of visitors are a small price to pay for the prosperity and growth that the highway has brought to their town.
【題組】172.What changed RiceFields Town from a mountainous village to a bustling hub of activity?
(A)The construction of a new airport.
(B)The construction of a new railway.
(C)The construction of a new highway.
(D) The construction of a new bridge.

