
14. The company’s human resource department is in charge of ______ new employees.
(A) recruiting
(B) bypassing
(C) circumventing
(D) convening




【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】We took the road that bypasses the town.我們選擇了繞過城鎮的道路。Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.船隻在外國註冊以規避僱用以及安全規定。The council will be convening(convene) on the morning of the 25th.市政會議將於25日上午召開。

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】We took the road that bypasses the town.我們選擇了繞過城鎮的道路。Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.船隻在外國註冊以規避僱用以及安全規定。The council will be convening(convene) on the morning of the 25th.市政會議將於25日上午召開。




【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】We took the road that bypasses the town.我們選擇了繞過城鎮的道路。Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.船隻在外國註冊以規避僱用以及安全規定。The council will be convening(convene) on the morning of the 25th.市政會議將於25日上午召開。

【用戶】專功英文(Line: en


【評論內容】公司的人力資源部是負責招募新進員工。The company’s human resource department is in charge of ______ new employees.....看完整詳解

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】We took the road ☆☆☆☆ ...



【評論內容】in charge of 負責