
15. The interviews will be conducted at a time and ______ convenient for participants.
(A) avenue
(B) venue
(C) haven
(D) heaven




【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】We should explore/pursue every avenue in the search for an answer to this problem.我們應該嘗試一切途徑尋求該問題的答案。The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings.這家飯店是舉行會議和商務會談的理想場所。They wanted to provide safe havens for the refugees.他們想爲難民們提供安全的避難場所。

【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】We should explore/pursue every avenue in the search for an answer to this problem.我們應該嘗試一切途徑尋求該問題的答案。The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings.這家飯店是舉行會議和商務會談的理想場所。They wanted to provide safe havens for the refugees.他們想爲難民們提供安全的避難場所。




【用戶】Ya-ping Siao


【評論內容】We should explore/pursue every avenue in the search for an answer to this problem.我們應該嘗試一切途徑尋求該問題的答案。The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings.這家飯店是舉行會議和商務會談的理想場所。They wanted to provide safe havens for the refugees.他們想爲難民們提供安全的避難場所。

【用戶】專功英文(Line: en


【評論內容】訪談會選對所有參加者都方便的時間和地點來舉行。 The interviews will be conducted at a time and ______ convenient for participan.....看完整詳解






【評論內容】revenue noun [ U ] 稅收