【評論主題】51. The new drug could not be used without more ______ evidence of its effectiveness.(A) dismal (B)

【評論內容】dismal 差勁的、消沉的。 empirical 臨床的


【評論內容】(C)專家教師與生手教師的不同,下列何者正確? (A)專家教師採用邏輯推理,生手教師則採用捷徑推理 (B)專家教師知識基模小,生手教師知識基模大 (C)專家教師運用順向思考,生手教師則使用逆向思考 (D)專家教師自動化的基本技能較少,而生手教師較多  (101新北自辦)

【評論主題】22.領導理論當中,與參與式領導、共享領導、合作領導相似,主張「領導者應與其他成員的權力關係模糊化,利用協同式的行動產生動力」,為下列何者要旨?(A)道德領導 (B)家長式領導 (C)文化領導 (D)

【評論內容】B73. 下列選項對於分散式領導(或為分布式領導)(distributed leadership)之主要特徵的描述,何者錯誤? (A)多樣領導 (B)各自獨立 (C)共同參與 (D)團體分享。

【評論主題】53. The lecture on the scientific developments in the 19th century was so dulland ______ that much a

【評論內容】assiduous 刻苦的、勤勉的

【評論主題】As we all know, economic prosperity and job creation always go _____.(A) hand in hand (B) by the boo

【評論內容】hand in hand  密切關聯;相連帶

【評論主題】The American government has decided to provide financial assistance to _____ the automobile industry

【評論內容】bail out:  If you bail someone out, you help them out of a difficult situation, often by giving them money.

【評論主題】_____ that you are inexperienced, you have done a good job.(A) But (B) Given (C) Granted (D) Provide

【評論內容】考慮到你缺乏經驗的情況,你已經做得很好了」這一句也可以寫成:Given your inexperience, you've done a good job.

【評論主題】The cost of such a great mansion is _____ above my means.(A) the way (B) ways (C) a way (D) way

【評論內容】way在這當副詞用,有遠遠地意思  這棟大廈的價格遠遠高於我的財力

【評論主題】Ms. Tsai was nominated as the candidate for the election. That’s because she is the _____ of the cro

【評論內容】the cream of the crop  百裡挑一

【評論主題】As most people do not have enough money to pay for a house, they try to secure a _____ from a bank.(


【評論主題】Bats and owls are _____ creatures, for they can hardly be seen during the day.(A) nomadic (B) noctur


【評論主題】The professor finally issued an _____ to Tim: retake the examination or fail in the course.(A) ultim


【評論主題】May I have three hundred U.S. dollars in small _____?(A) accounts (B) balances (C) numbers (D) denom


【評論主題】28.泰勒(R. Tyler) 主張有效的課程組織必須符合下列哪些規準?1.統整性 2.遷移性 3.順序性 4.繼續性 (A) 1 3 4 (B) 1 2 4 (C) 2 3 4 (D) 1 2 3

【評論內容】順序性(sequence):加深加廣。數學先教加法,再教乘除  by高明教綜7-45繼續性(continuity):直線式重複敘述

【評論主題】38. Covington對的學生的學習動機採取何種解釋的說法?(A)自我投入論觀點(B)自我價值論觀點(C)自我效能論觀點(D)自我實現論觀點。


自我投入(ego involvement),個人之所以工作旨在從與別人競爭中獲得的成就以炫耀自己的能力。按尼可斯的說法,持工作投入心態的學生,學習動機較強,是一種為讀書而讀書的心態:持自我投入心態的學生,則是時時考慮到成敗,對求知活動傾向於避難就易。

自我實現,指人都需要發揮自己的潛力,表現自己的才能;只有當人的潛力充分發揮並表現出來時,人們才會感到最大的滿足 (馬斯洛的需求層次理論)