【評論主題】某甲與某乙為一對共同生活之「同性戀伴侶」,某甲欲收養 5 歲之丙女,並向法院聲請認可,經法院依民法第 1079 條之 1 規定,認為甲與乙為同性戀伴侶,不符合未成年丙女之最佳利益,故裁定不予認可。某甲









【評論主題】某甲與某乙為一對共同生活之「同性戀伴侶」,某甲欲收養 5 歲之丙女,並向法院聲請認可,經法院依民法第 1079 條之 1 規定,認為甲與乙為同性戀伴侶,不符合未成年丙女之最佳利益,故裁定不予認可。某甲









【評論主題】某甲與某乙為一對共同生活之「同性戀伴侶」,某甲欲收養 5 歲之丙女,並向法院聲請認可,經法院依民法第 1079 條之 1 規定,認為甲與乙為同性戀伴侶,不符合未成年丙女之最佳利益,故裁定不予認可。某甲









【評論主題】47 下列公法上之爭議,何者得依行政訴訟法提起行政訴訟?(A)立法委員選舉無效事件 (B)政黨違憲解散事件(C)公務員依考績法之免職事件 (D)違反社會秩序維護法事件






【評論主題】19 下列何種事件由行政法院審判之?(A)不服國家賠償之拒絕協議 (B)律師懲戒事件(C)不服行政機關否准假釋決定 (D)法官懲戒事件







(A) disclaim聲明拒絕承擔(責任)/否認(B) contest 比賽/競賽(C) concede 承認(D) dismiss 對…不予理會/摒棄/去除



(A) disclaim聲明拒絕承★(★★)/★★(☆) ...



(A) barrier 隔欄/屏障/障礙物(B) defeat 擊敗/打敗/戰勝(C) document 文件/公文(D) achievement 成就/成績/功績



(A) barrier 隔欄/屏障/★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】【題組】39 What is the author’s attitude toward the topic?(A) Fearful (B) Cautious (C) Positive (D) Aggr


(A) Fearful 恐懼/擔心/憂慮(B) Cautious 謹慎/細心/小心翼翼(C) Positive 建設性/積極/懷有希望(D) Aggressive 好鬥/富於攻擊性/挑釁

【評論主題】19 The Tau tribespeople in Lanyu build traditional homes _____ to protect them from seasonal typhoon


(A) forward 向前(B) nowhere 任何地方都不/無處(C) straight 直的/筆直的(D) underground 在地下/在地面以下tribespeople 部落成員/部族成員semi-submerged 一半潛入水中/一半沒入水中/一半浸沒



(A) multifaceted 多方面/多元(B) multilingual 使用多種語言/用多種語言表達(C) multitask 同時做多件事/多功能服務/多工處理(D) multinational 多國/在多國經營/跨國

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:         If you were a well-heeled Massachusetts lady in the late 1920s and want


(A) acquire 取得/獲得/購得/學到(B) require 需要/有賴於/要求/規定(C) adjust 調整/調節(D) recommend 推薦/介紹/建議



(A) cordiality 友好而莊重的表現/親切而客氣的行為(B) generosity 慷慨/大方(C) hospitality 熱情好客/殷勤/友好(D) fraternity 群體/集團

【評論主題】【題組】34 (A) curtailed (B) blended (C) shrunk (D) spread


(A) curtail 制止/減少/縮減/限制(B) blended 混合(C) shrunk 縮小/變小(D) spread 展開/鋪開/蔓延/擴散

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:         Reviews are where an experience meets ideas. You go to a concert, a mov


(A) broadcast 廣播/播送(B) catalyst 催化劑(C) request 要求/請求(D) specialist 專家/專業人員



(A) disguised 化過裝/偽裝(B) position 位置/方位/地點(C) transform 使徹底改觀/使大變樣(D) pretended 虛假/假裝



(A) multifaceted ★★★/★★(☆) ...



(A) perspective 角度/觀點/想法(B) subscription 訂閱費/訂購款/服務費(C) constitution 憲法/章程(D) relative 親戚/親屬

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:         If you were a well-heeled Massachusetts lady in the late 1920s and want


(A) acquire 取得/獲得/★★/★★(☆) ...



(A) cordiality 友好★★★★★★/...



(A) liability 責任/義務(B) debut 首演/首次公演(C) expression 表示/表達/表露(D) performance 工作情況/業績/表現/工作性能

【評論主題】【題組】34 (A) curtailed (B) blended (C) shrunk (D) spread


(A) curtail 制止/減少/★★/★★(☆) ...



(A) disguised 化過裝/★★(☆) ...



(A) perspective 角★/★★/★★(☆) ...



(A) liability 責任/★★(☆) ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】39 What is the author’s attitude toward the topic?(A) Fearful (B) Cautious (C) Positive (D) Aggr

【評論內容】(A) Fearful 恐懼/擔心/憂慮(☆) ...



(A) diversify 多樣化/差異化(B) liquidize 榨成汁(C) crystal 水晶玻璃(D) dilute 稀釋/沖淡

【評論主題】20 A majority of citizens have decided to vote for a presidential candidate who is honest, fair and

【評論內容】(A) intellectual 智力/腦力(B) integrity 正直/誠實(C) intimacy 親密/密切/曖昧關係(D) insu.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】15 A common _____ many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy; however, it is


(A) divination 占卜/算命(B) rumination 沈思/長時間思考/反復思考(C) assumption 假定/假設/臆斷(D) vindication 辯護/擁護/辨明necessarily 不可避免地/必然地 Puerto Rican 波多黎各/波多黎各人

【評論主題】14 Even though you work solely with machines, this doesn’t mean that you can get by with poor _____


(A) communication 交流/溝通/交際/傳達/傳播/通訊(B) commute 上下班往返/往返於工作地點與家之間/通勤(C) combat 戰鬥/搏鬥(D) commitment 忠誠/投入/奉獻/承諾/保證/諾言

【評論主題】13 For decades, medical surgeons with biotechnologies have been able to _____ human bodies.(A) alter

【評論內容】(A) alter 改動/修改/改變/變化(B) embargo 禁令/禁運/限制(C) ignite 點燃/燃.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】12 The secretary was _____ with phone calls after her department posted the recruitment of two teach

【評論內容】(A) inaugurate 使正式就職/為…舉行就職典禮/啟用/啟動/開創/開始(B) inundate 使應接不暇/淹沒(C) incarcerate 監.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】11 Faid was _____ for the murder of the policewoman along with two accomplices and all were consider

【評論內容】(A) convinced 確信/信服(B) convict 宣判…有罪/證明…有罪(C) convert 改變/轉變/改信/皈依(D) consul.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】10 As you enter the theater, you should make sure you pick up a playbill, which contains an introduc

【評論內容】(A) provision 提供/供給/準備(B) precaution 預防/預防措施(C) synthesis 合成/綜合/融合(.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】8 The fox jumped up as flames licked its tail and ran _____ away to carefully avoid more pain.(A) de


(A) decently 高雅/端正/親切(B) gingerly 謹慎地/小心翼翼地/輕手輕腳地(C) impudently 厚臉皮/冒失(D) undeniably 無可否認flame 火焰/火舌

【評論主題】6 Although Susie was the youngest person in her office, she was not _____ at all by her older and mo

【評論內容】(A) infuse 充滿將/注入(B) insinuate 含沙射影地說/影射 (.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】5 The concept of _____ encompasses acceptance and respect, which means to understand that eachindivi

【評論內容】(A) adversity 逆境/不幸/厄運(B) casualty 傷亡人員(C) congruity 適合/一致/調和(D) diversity.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】3 The borders between these two tribes were determined not only by _____ but also by cultural featur

【評論內容】(A) mathematical 數學(B) geographical 地理學/地理/地理性(C) astro.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】2 The shop owner moved all the staff to the cash registers and let the customers pick items fromthe


(A) academy 研究院/學會/專科學院(B) constitution 憲法/章程(C) warehouse 貨倉/倉庫(D) intersection 相交/交點register 登記/註冊/記錄customer 顧客/主顧/客戶themselves 他們自己/她們自己/它們自己staff  全體員工/全體僱員

【評論主題】【題組】12 (A) embarked (B) embodied (C) employed (D) empowered

【評論內容】(A) embark 上船(B) embody 具體表現/體現(C) em.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】8 In the FIFA World Cup, each country that qualifies to ________ is organized into different groups,

【評論內容】(A) parachute 降落傘/跳傘/空投/空降(B) paraphrase 意譯/解釋/改述(C) parenthesize 插入(D) partici.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】7 The clown’s ________ performance at his first appearance on stage needed more improvement.(A) effi

【評論內容】(A) efficient 效率高/有能力/有效/生效(B) awesome 令人敬畏/令人驚嘆/令人驚懼(C) awkward 難用/棘手/難處理/難對付(D) out.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】5 A successful marriage reduced a spouse’s risk of cardiovascular disease by 5% compared with a sing

【評論內容】(A) blessed 神聖/帶來幸福/帶來好運/帶來所需之物(B) strained 緊張/惡化/緊張/焦慮/神色不安(C) arrange 安排/準備/籌劃(D) validate 批准/認可/使生效successful 成.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】4 Psychologists found that sleep efficiency decreases ________ with age.(A) gradually (B) heavenly (

【評論內容】(A) gradually 逐步地/逐漸地/平緩地(B) heavenly 天堂/神聖(C) presently 現在/目前(D) techn.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】3 ________ the government, the First Minister of Scotland delivered several speeches in order to hol

【評論內容】(A) On account of 由於/因為(B) On behalf of 代表…/作為…的代表/代替…(C) In case of 以防萬一(D) In quest of First Minister 執政.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】49 (A) collapse (B) collide (C) collect (D) correct


(A) collapse 倒塌/坍★/★★/★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】【題組】50 (A) multiplying (B) supplying (C) complying (D) applying


(A) multiply 大幅增加/★/★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】【題組】50 (A) multiplying (B) supplying (C) complying (D) applying

【評論內容】(A) multiply 大幅增加/乘/使相乘(B) supply 供應/提.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】19 (A) violation (B) veterinarian (C) vegetation (D) vaccination


(A) violation 違反/★★/★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】【題組】17 (A) weight (B) height (C) behavior (D) intelligence


(A) weight  重量/分量/體重(B) height  高/高度(C) behavior 行為/舉止(D) intelligence  智力/智慧

【評論主題】【題組】49 According to the passage, what kind of child was Mary when she was little?(A) Crazy. (B) Prou

【評論內容】(A) Crazy 愚蠢/荒唐(B) Proud 自豪/得意(C) Dishone.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】20 (A) decline (B) growth (C) combat (D) chaos


(A) decline 減少/衰落/降低(B) growth 成長/生長/發育(C) combat 戰鬥/搏鬥(D) chaos 混亂/無秩序狀態

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:      For adventurous travelers, diarrhea is merely an embarrassing nuisance. Bu


(A) weaken (使)虛弱/削弱/(使)衰弱(B) waken 醒來/叫醒(C) fasten 扣緊/繫牢/紮好/關緊(D) frighten  使害怕/使受驚

【評論主題】46 Many countries have taken measures to _____ their banking system in order to improve their servic

【評論內容】(A) download 下載程式/下載資訊(B) hack 砍/切/劈(C) meddle 干涉/干預/管閒事(D).....看完整詳解

【評論主題】15 A ship with more than 600 migrants was operated by a charity organization, which was refused to _


(A) dock 泊位/船塢(B) explore 探測/勘查/探索/研究(C) import 進口(D) surrender 投降/任憑擺布/屈服 Interior  內部/內地/腹地Ministry  (政府的)部anti  反對/對抗anti-immigration 反對移民

【評論主題】8 It is advised that people should _____ sugary soda in order to gain less weight.(A) cut back on (B


(B) cut down to 使…有自知之明/挫…的傲氣

【評論主題】44 The ability to _____ ideas to actions is the secret of success.(A) converse (B) convert (C) conse

【評論內容】(A) converse 相反/反面/相反的事物(B) convert 改變/轉變/改信/皈依(C) co.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】42 Failure itself is an _____ fact of life. We all have stumbled at some time or another, but that d

【評論內容】(A) obsessive 著迷/迷戀/難以釋懷(B) excessive 過分/過度/過多(C) inevitable 不可避免/.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】7 In a new study, scientists have pinpointed that mastering a second language is rather challenging


(A) procure 取得/獲得(B) protract 拖長/延伸(C) liquidate  清算/清盤(D) plummet  暴跌/急遽下降scientist  科學家pinpoint  準確指出/確定 fluency  流利/流暢

【評論主題】5 These systems use low-carbon _____ energy sources, such as sewage waste heat, to reduce the use of


(A) toxic 有毒/引起中毒(B) chronic 慢性/長期(C) renewable 可再生的(D) dispensable  可有可無/非必需

low-carbon  低碳/低碳棒

【評論主題】40 Vitamin D is _____ by the body after exposure to sunshine.(A) absorbed (B) depleted (C) extracted

【評論內容】(A) absorbed 全神貫注/一心一意/吸收/吸進/緩和/合併(B) depleted 消.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】19 (A) violation (B) veterinarian (C) vegetation (D) vaccination

【評論內容】(A) violation 違反/違背/違犯(B) veterinarian 獸醫(C).....看完整詳解

【評論主題】13 The practice of applying the minimum wage to foreign workers in Taiwan is _____ primarily by theg

【評論內容】(A) motivate  使產生動機/激起(B) captivate  使著迷/迷住/吸引(C) cultivated  有教養/有修養/高雅(D) exca.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】12 In earlier times, _____ of new immigrants ventured to undertake tasks for which they were not fit

【評論內容】(A) sword  劍/刀(B) swallow  吞嚥/吞下/嚥下(C) swamp  沼澤地/濕地(D) swarm  一大.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】10 Apassenger holding a fake travel document would be intercepted at the customs and subsequently __

【評論內容】(A) deport  把…驅逐出境/把…遣送出境(B) export  出口/輸出(C) import  進口/引入/引進(D) reported  據傳/聲稱passenger .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】9 Newly arrived immigrants face various challenges adapting to life, including the language _____ an

【評論內容】(A) barrier 隔欄/屏障/障礙物(B) courier 信差/遞送員(C) chamber 房間/室/廳/議院(D) savior  救助者/拯救者.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】6 In order to provide _____ care and protect human rights, the officers that take charge of detentio

【評論內容】(A) humiliating 令人感到恥辱/丟臉(B) humanitarian 人道主義/人道主義者(C) humid .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】4 Adapting to climate change means understanding what climate we are to experience in the future, an

【評論內容】(A) out of 不在(某處)/不處於(某種情況)(B) take advantage of 利用/利用…的機會(.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】2 Today’s event is both a sign of what we have accomplished together as well as the start of a _____

【評論內容】(A) depressing 令人沮喪/使人感到壓抑(B) promising 有希望/有出息/有前途(C) suppress  鎮壓/壓制/制止(D) .....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】43. (A) accounting for (B) regardless of(C) related to (D) based on


(A) accounting fo☆ (★★★★)★(☆) ...

【評論主題】36. I really don’t know where Jessie is now. If I _____ her whereabouts, I would tell you at once.(A


whereabouts  行蹤/下落/去向

【評論主題】32. Albert proudly _____ his gold medal to his family. His parents took great pride in their son’s a


(A) display  佈置/排列/陳列(B) volunteer  自願參加者/志願者(C) attract  吸引/招引/引起(D) divorced  離婚/離異

【評論主題】31. Success is not totally _____ by how hard we work. Luck sometimes plays a part.(A) surveyed (B) a


(A) survey 調查(B) analyze 分析(C) determined 下定決心/堅決/決意(D) defeat 擊敗/打敗/戰勝

【評論主題】【題組】45. (A) guilty (B) tattoo (C) logo (D) motto

【評論內容】(A) guilty 內疚/愧疚/自責(B) tattoo 紋身花.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】44. (A) seducing (B) deducting (C) adding (D) manipulating

【評論內容】(A) seduce  勾引/誘姦(B) deduct  減/減去/扣除(C.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】30. The warm winter had a very _____ impact on the clothing industry. The sale of coats dropped over

【評論內容】(A) popular 受大眾喜愛/受歡迎(B) convenient 方便/便利/省事(C) cl.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】29. Japan failed to _____ the Olympic Games in Tokyo this year due to the covid-19 pandemic.(A) reco

【評論內容】(A) recognize 認出/認識/識別(B) host 主人/東道主.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】28. My sister and I had a heated _____ last night. She still refused to talk to me this morning.(A)

【評論內容】(A) argument 爭論/爭吵/爭辯/爭執(B) movement 動/移動/運動(C) e.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】1 The agency hosts various activities and programs that spotlight the excellence and _____ of the co


(A) diversity 多樣性/多樣化/差異/不同點/差異性(B) depletion 減少/減小/縮小(C) salvation 救助/ 解救/救贖/靈魂得救(D) similarity 類似/相似spotlight  聚光燈/聚光燈照明圈excellence  卓越/優秀/傑出

【評論主題】26. Handing in your report late is not _____. If you miss the deadline, you will fail this course.(A


(A) adequate 足夠/合格/合乎需要(B) acceptable 令人滿意/可以接受/可容許/贊同(C) patient 病人(D) imaginative新穎/獨創



(A) albeit 雖然/儘管(☆) ☆☆☆☆☆ (...



(A) distribute 分發/★★/★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】請回答下列第41題至第45題Capital controls may be imposed on capital leaving a country or entering it. The forme


(A) ultimate 極端/最重要/最初(或終)/最好(差)(B) upmost 最高(C) outward 外表/外面/向外(D) inbound 到達/入境/歸航/回程


【評論內容】(A) in respect of 關於/至於/就…而言(B) in addition to 增加.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】39 With the recent increase in number of lone wolf terrorist attacks, governments around the world h


(A) individual 個人/個體(B) animal 動物/獸/牲畜(C) people 人(D) humanitarian 人道主義/人道主義者radicalize 使…在政治(或宗教觀念)上更激進

【評論主題】40 The task is              , but he has risen to the challenge with intelligence, creativity, flexi


(A) daunting 令人發怵/使人氣餒(B) amusing 好笑/有趣/引人發笑(C) delight 欣喜/滿足/愜意(D) encouraging 令人鼓舞/振奮人心commitment 忠誠/投入/奉獻/承諾/保證/諾言flexibility 機動性/靈活性/伸縮性/柔韌性creativity 創造力/創造/創造性

【評論主題】38 Some tourists intend to              from one attraction to the next in order to make the most of


(A) drain (使)排出/(使)排放/放乾(液體)(B) halt (使)停止/停下/中止(C) recess (議會)休會期/壁龕/(牆的)凹進處/凹室(D) whisk 突然拿走/快速帶走

【評論主題】37 New luggage              methods can identify liquid explosives and help track down the dangerous


(A) acquisition 獲得/收購物(房屋、公司、土地等)/收購(B) calculation 算/計算(C) inspection 檢查/視察/鑒定/查勘(D) stagnation 淤塞/停滯/沉滯luggage 行李箱/行李methods 方法/方式liquid 液體explosives 易爆炸/會爆炸/可能引起爆炸/激增/迅速擴大

【評論主題】35 An immigration officer needs advanced knowledge of the immigration laws and procedures to uncover


(A) expose 暴露/露出/使曝光/揭露/揭發/揭穿壞事(或不誠實之事)(B) reinforce 加固/使更結實/強化/加深/進一步證實(觀點、看法等)(C) defend 保護/防衛/為…辯護(D) threaten 威脅/恐嚇/揚言要/威脅到/危害到uncover 揭露/發現(秘密或隱藏物)/揭開(覆蓋物)complex 由許多相關的不同部分組成/構造複雜/難懂/費解/錯綜複雜potential 潛在/可能

【評論主題】36 The Kenyan government spends about US$5 million in 2018 to foreigners working in the countryi


(A) deport 把…驅逐出境/把…遣送出境(B) consent 許可/允許/同意/答應(C) compensate 賠償/補償(D) immigrate 移民significant 重要/顯著/有特殊意義

【評論主題】34 The fact that Taiwan has a lower              of investment for immigration, compared to other de


(A) reputation 名譽/聲望/名望(B) threshold 門檻/閾/界限/起點(C) benefit 利益/好處/優勢(D) respect 敬重/尊重/注重/重視investment 投資(付諸金錢、努力、時間等以求得到利潤或取得成就某事的有利條件)/投資物/投資額

【評論主題】32 Until they obtain citizenship through              , immigrants may be denied full rights of citi


(A) alienation 疏離感/疏遠感/失去支持/疏遠(B) internalization 內部化/主觀/自我(C) internationalization 國際化(D) naturalization 歸化/移入/移植obtain 得到/獲得citizenship 公民身份/公民資格precisely 精確地/準確地/確切地

【評論主題】33 New immigrants not only need to adjust to a new culture, they also, often, must              with

【評論內容】(A) come to terms 逐漸接受(常指所愛之人的死)(B) come in handy 進入(房間或大樓)(C) catch up 達到同樣品.....看完整詳解



(A) promote 促進/促銷/★★/★★/★★/...

【評論主題】44 With the coming of the election, both of the candidates will need to _____ their support in order


(A) consolidate 鞏★/★★/★★/★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】41 It is only human to be _____ of successful people but you may learn to appreciate your own unique


(A) cautious  謹慎/★★/★★★★(☆) ...

【評論主題】42 A great _____ often succeeds by thinking out of the box.(A) commuter (B) inventor (C) elevator (D


(A) commuter 上下班往★★★/★★★(☆) ...