【評論主題】24.下列關於腦垂腺前葉的功能測試之敘述,何者正確?(A)可以直接測定血中抗利尿激素(antidiuretic hormone,ADH)濃度來評估(B)德國狼犬(German Shepherd)易有腦


生長激素(growth hormone,GH)刺激試驗時,其血液樣本經EDTA抗凝遠心分離後,存入-20度以下

【評論主題】38.下列袪痰劑可直接分解痰黏液的是:(A)acetylcysteine(B)ammonium chloride(C)potassium iodide(D)guaiacol


potassium iodide 為刺激胃黏膜而經由迷走神經以增加小支氣管的分泌


【評論內容】為了避免癲癇發作 及提供肌肉鬆弛,犬貓經常合併投與Ketamine及Diazepam、Midazolam、Xylazine


【評論內容】bunamidine 為抗絛蟲、吸蟲藥

【評論主題】35.下列有關家禽傳染性支氣管炎病毒特性的敘述,何者正確?(A)為單股DNA病毒(B)其棘突醣蛋白S1和誘發抗體有關(C)單一血清型(D)病毒呈多形性,大小約35-40 nm


 The virion shape is spherical, with an average size of 125 nm


【評論主題】1.當藥物之hepatic extraction ratio接近於1時,其主要意義為何?(A)藥物吸收後快速的分布至組織(B)藥物經口投予後顯著的首渡效應(C)藥物緊密結合於血漿蛋白(D)藥物之清除不


雖然是英文 但是很好懂哦!


An extraction ration close to 0 indicates that most of the drug escapes elimination during a single pass through the organ.

An extraction ratio close to 1 indicates that most of the drug is eliminated during a single pass through the organ.

【評論主題】60.下列有關犬、貓黴菌性皮膚病之敘述,何者錯誤?(A)貓之皮黴菌性皮膚病,超過90%以上皆由Microsporum gypseum所引起(B)長毛貓比短毛貓易得皮黴菌性皮膚病(C)感染皮黴菌之犬、貓


Microsporum canis is a pathogenic, asexual fungus in the phylum Ascomycota that infects the upper, dead layers of skin on domesticated cats, and occasionally dogs and humans





**記住 所有抗凝劑均會使鈣及鎂離子 假低值

【評論主題】3.下列那一種人畜共通病毒同時擁有動物與昆蟲為其自然保毒宿主?(A)家禽流行性感冒(avian influenza)病毒(B)狂犬病(rabies)病毒(C)拉克羅斯腦炎(La Crosse ence


LAC virus is a zoonotic pathogen cycled between the daytime-biting treehole mosquito, Aedes triseriatus, and vertebrate amplifier hosts (chipmunks花栗鼠, tree squirrels松鼠) in deciduous forest habitats. 




Trimeprazine is a phenothiazine derivative that is used as an antipruritic.

Trimeprazine is an antihistamine used to reduce itching from allergies, hives, eczema,



Trypanosoma 從動核後面長出一根鞭毛,沿著身體表面向體前伸出叫前鞭毛

Trypanoplasma   一根前鞭毛和一根後鞭毛

【評論主題】54.下列那種感染犬的原蟲可在嗜中性球中發現?(A)Babesia (B)Leishmania (C)Hepatozoon (D)Trypanosoma


B 巨噬細胞


【評論主題】69.能抑制昆蟲幼蟲及卵之幾丁質生成的藥物是:(A)amitraz (B)fipronil (C)cyromazine (D)lufenuron


fipronil 為抑制GABA的氯離子通道,造成神經元去極化

【評論主題】50.下列有關肝臟星形細胞(stellate cell)的敘述那些正確?①是一種脂肪細胞(lipocyte)②又稱為 Ito cell③其存在於 space ofDisse④功能為儲存維他命A 及分泌


sinusoid內含Kupffer cell,而space of disse內含Stellate cell

from: https://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/full/v20/i42/WJG-20-15499-g001.htm

【評論主題】74.下列那一種投藥方式為 disophenol 最常用於犬隻之臨床使用方法?(A)肌肉注射 (B)靜脈注射 (C)經口投予 (D)皮下注射


an injectable anthelmintic for hookworms in cats and dogs and Haemonchus contortus in sheep


【評論主題】39. 有關混合型免疫缺乏症(combined immunodeficiency)的敘述,下列何者錯誤?(A) 以人及犬發生較多(B) T 及 B 細胞產生均受到影響(C) 罹患動物容易有貧血(D)


1.Severe combined immunodeficiency occurs in dogs and Arabian horses 

2.mutation in DNA-PKcs 

3. Affected dogs have normal numbers of circulating B lymphocytes that are unable to class switch to IgG or IgA and reduced numbers of T lymphocytes, which are nonfunctional due to the inability to express IL receptors

4. Affected puppies are remarkably susceptible to bacterial and viral infections and rarely survive past 3 to 4 months of age. 

【評論主題】39.Mycoplasma alkalescens在牛最主要造成下列何種病徵?(A)關節炎、乳房炎(B)結膜炎(C)肋膜炎(D)腹膜炎


M. putrefaciens 牛乳房炎

M. bovoculi 牛角膜結膜炎

M. pulmonis 鼠血管炎









Primary emphysema does not occur in animals, and thus no animal disease should be called simply emphysema

 In animals, this lesion is always secondary to obstruction of outflow of air or is agonal at slaughter.

Interstitial emphysema occurs mainly in cattle, presumably because of their wide interlobular septa, and lack of collateral ventilation in these species does not permit air to move freely into adjacent pulmonary lobules. As a result, accumulated air penetrates the alveolar and bronchiolar walls and forces its way into the interlobular connective tissue, causing notable distention of the ...



第 6 條屠宰場屠後檢查設備應符合下列規定:一、應於屠宰室之適當地點,設置屠後檢查站,其長度以每名檢查人員一五○公分以上,其寬度及高度以足供檢查人員順利執行工作為度。

【評論主題】47.下列那一種毒素是甘藷為了抵抗黴菌的侵害所產生的,可造成牛肺水腫?(A)Deoxynivalenol(B)Ipomeamarone(C)T-2 toxin(D)F-2 toxin



Aflatoxins are a type of mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus species of fungi, such as A. flavus and A. parasiticus. The umbrella term aflatoxin refers to four different types of mycotoxins produced, which are B1, B2, G1, and G2. Aflatoxin B1, the most toxic, is a potent carcinogen and has been directly correlated to adverse health effects, such as liver cancer, in many animal species. 

Ochratoxin赭麴毒素 is a mycotoxin that comes in three secondary metabolite forms, A, B, and C. All are produced by Penicillium and Aspergillus species. The three forms di...



propafenone及flecainide 應該是IC類 不是第三類

【評論主題】21.下列那一種禽類細菌性病原不會藉蛋傳播?(A)Salmonella enterica(B)Avibacterium paragallinarum(C)Mycoplasma gallisepticu


可藉蛋: Sal、MG、E. coli、AE、Reo、LL、EDS76、AI、ND、CIA

不可: IC、禽霍亂、IBD、Galli. anatis、ILT、Pox、鴨瘟

【評論主題】35.下列對腸道出血性大腸桿菌感染症之敘述何者錯誤:(A)本病病因為Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli(EHEC)又稱Verotoxigenic E.coli(VTEC)(B)主要的


E. coli O157:H7 differs from most other strains of E. coli in being unable to ferment sorbitol.



D選項為牛第一型疱疹病毒- 牛傳染性鼻氣管炎




第一型: Picornaviridae/Avihepatovirus/Duck hepatitis A virus

第二型: Astroviridae/Duck astrovirus-1

第三型:  Astroviridae/Duck astrovirus-2



 Congo red stains amyloid orange to red under light microscopy, which is seen under polarized light as an apple-green birefringent material.



課外補充: penicillin及Cepha類皆為抑制細菌細胞壁合成的第三階段

V.S. Vancomycin及Bacitracin抑制第二階段



第二代: Fexofenadine、Loratadine、Cetirizine

【評論主題】39. 有關混合型免疫缺乏症(combined immunodeficiency)的敘述,下列何者錯誤?(A) 以人及犬發生較多(B) T 及 B 細胞產生均受到影響(C) 罹患動物容易有貧血(D)


1.Severe combined immunodeficiency occurs in dogs and Arabian horses 

2.mutation in DNA-PKcs 

3. Affected dogs have normal numbers of circulating B lymphocytes that are unable to class switch to IgG or IgA and reduced numbers of T lymphocytes, which are nonfunctional due to the inability to express IL receptors

4. Affected puppies are remarkably susceptible to bacterial and viral infections and rarely survive past 3 to 4 months of age. 

【評論主題】39.Mycoplasma alkalescens在牛最主要造成下列何種病徵?(A)關節炎、乳房炎(B)結膜炎(C)肋膜炎(D)腹膜炎


M. putrefaciens 牛乳房炎

M. bovoculi 牛角膜結膜炎

M. pulmonis 鼠血管炎









Primary emphysema does not occur in animals, and thus no animal disease should be called simply emphysema

 In animals, this lesion is always secondary to obstruction of outflow of air or is agonal at slaughter.

Interstitial emphysema occurs mainly in cattle, presumably because of their wide interlobular septa, and lack of collateral ventilation in these species does not permit air to move freely into adjacent pulmonary lobules. As a result, accumulated air penetrates the alveolar and bronchiolar walls and forces its way into the interlobular connective tissue, causing notable distention of the ...



第 6 條屠宰場屠後檢查設備應符合下列規定:一、應於屠宰室之適當地點,設置屠後檢查站,其長度以每名檢查人員一五○公分以上,其寬度及高度以足供檢查人員順利執行工作為度。

【評論主題】47.下列那一種毒素是甘藷為了抵抗黴菌的侵害所產生的,可造成牛肺水腫?(A)Deoxynivalenol(B)Ipomeamarone(C)T-2 toxin(D)F-2 toxin



Aflatoxins are a type of mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus species of fungi, such as A. flavus and A. parasiticus. The umbrella term aflatoxin refers to four different types of mycotoxins produced, which are B1, B2, G1, and G2. Aflatoxin B1, the most toxic, is a potent carcinogen and has been directly correlated to adverse health effects, such as liver cancer, in many animal species. 

Ochratoxin赭麴毒素 is a mycotoxin that comes in three secondary metabolite forms, A, B, and C. All are produced by Penicillium and Aspergillus species. The three forms di...



propafenone及flecainide 應該是IC類 不是第三類

【評論主題】21.下列那一種禽類細菌性病原不會藉蛋傳播?(A)Salmonella enterica(B)Avibacterium paragallinarum(C)Mycoplasma gallisepticu


可藉蛋: Sal、MG、E. coli、AE、Reo、LL、EDS76、AI、ND、CIA

不可: IC、禽霍亂、IBD、Galli. anatis、ILT、Pox、鴨瘟



