【評論主題】32 Due to global warming, a consistent pattern of______ of ice wall in Arctic is observed.(A) recept

【評論內容】Recept接收reception 接待☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】32 Due to global warming, a consistent pattern of______ of ice wall in Arctic is observed.(A) recept

【評論內容】Recept接收reception 接待☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】32 Due to global warming, a consistent pattern of______ of ice wall in Arctic is observed.(A) recept

【評論內容】Recept接收reception 接待☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】32 Due to global warming, a consistent pattern of______ of ice wall in Arctic is observed.(A) recept

【評論內容】Recept接收reception 接待☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】請依下文回答第46題至第50題      Australia is literally a land apart. While it is attractive and welcoming to vi


misguided  誤入歧途


【評論主題】35 下列關於刑罰與保安處分之敘述,何者正確?(A)褫奪公權為從刑,於主刑裁判之後,另擇期獨立宣告之 (B)拘束人身自由之保安處分非屬刑罰,不受罪刑法定主義之限制 (C)主刑包括死刑、自由刑、罰金刑和

【評論內容】罪刑法定原則: 刑法第1 條:「行為之處罰,以行為時之法律有明文規定者為限。 拘束人身自由之保安處 分,亦同。」 足認拘束人身自由之保安處分,亦有罪刑法定原則之適用。

【評論主題】38 After the scandal was _____ , the Prime Minister committed suicide.(A) cherished (B) invaded (C)

【評論內容】Commit 犯罪Suicide 自殺

【評論主題】23 下列政治學概念,何者涉及學習政治過程的目的?(A)政治衰退 (B)政治社會化 (C)政治認同 (D)政治發展


【評論主題】38 The retired CEO had been in excellent physical health, but recently he _____ pneumonia in both lu

【評論內容】contractIPA[ˈkɒntrækt]n.合同;承包合同vt.感染;約定建立…關係vi.收縮; 縮小; 減少;收縮過去式:contracted過去分詞:contracted現在分詞:contracting名詞複數:contracts

【評論主題】9 The Japanese army _______ Manchuria in 1931 and Sino-Japanese War officially started six years lat

【評論內容】bounced 彈跳invaded 入侵exposed 暴露

【評論主題】11 The Formosa Black Bear is a symbol for Taiwan, but unfortunately, the species is being pushed to

【評論內容】pushed to the brink 被逼到邊緣

【評論主題】10 In some countries parents found guilty of _______ their children will be fined or put in jail.(A)

【評論內容】Find guilty 認罪 guilty 有罪的Be fined 被罰款

【評論主題】15 He was found guilty of _______ driving because he disregarded the rules of the road and caused a


【評論主題】6 Many parents these days are concerned that their children may become _______ games on the Internet

【評論內容】remote 偏僻remote from 遠離

【評論主題】9 Matthew did not show up for the midterm exam. His professor issued a written _____ to inform him t

【評論內容】permission. 允許judgement.判斷