
【題組】47. According to the book Born to Run, what are chia seeds claimed to do/be?
(A) They boost athletic energy.
(B)They taste best when served hot.
(C) They help people endure heat in the desert.
(D)They are the main food to Mexican Indians in daily life.






【評論內容】In the book, the super-athletic Indians超級運動員印第安人 in Mexico consumed 消耗,花費/吃完,喝光chia seeds while on their desert runs 沙漠行走期間and were provided with surges 激增 of energy 活力 during and after. 



【評論內容】(一)提高他們的運動能量。 (B)他們當趁熱食用味道最好。 (C),它們幫助人們在沙漠中承受的熱量。 (D),它們的主要食物墨西哥印第安人在日常生活中。



【評論內容】According to the book Born to Run, what are chia seeds claimed to do/be? (根據「Born to Run」這一本書,你覺得奇亞子是做什麽的?)(A) They boost athletic energy. (提高運動的能量。)(B)They taste best when served hot. (趁熱吃味道最好。)(C) They help people endure heat in the desert. (幫助人們忍受沙漠中的酷熱。)(D)They are the main food to Mexican Indians in daily life. (他們是墨西哥人日常生活的主要食物。)In the running and endurance athletics community they have definitely become a hot commodity since their introduction in the book Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. (自從在克里斯多福·麥杜格在...