
He is inclined to _____ details. Therefore, his proposals are sometimes not carefully thought-out.
(A) downscale
(B) overlook
(C) truncate
(D) uphold




【用戶】Weiting Wei


【評論內容】(A) downscale  縮小(範圍/規模/尺寸)(B) overlook 忽略(C) truncate 截斷(D) uphold 支持/堅持/捍衛

【用戶】Yiju Chen





【評論內容】原本題目:He is inclined to details. Therefore, his proposals are sometimes not carefully thought-out.(A) downscale(B) overlook(C) truncate(D) uphold修改成為He is inclined to _____ details. Therefore, his proposals are sometimes not carefully thought-out.(A) downscale(B) overlook(C) truncate(D) uphold

【用戶】Weiting Wei


【評論內容】(A) downscale  縮小(範圍/規模/尺寸)(B) overloo.....看完整詳解

【用戶】Yiju Chen





【評論內容】原本題目:He is inclined to details. Therefore, his proposals are sometimes not carefully thought-out.(A) downscale(B) overlook(C) truncate(D) uphold修改成為He is inclined to _____ details. Therefore, his proposals are sometimes not carefully thought-out.(A) downscale(B) overlook(C) truncate(D) uphold



【評論內容】原本題目:He is inclined to details. Therefore, his proposals are sometimes not carefully thought-out.(A) downscale(B) overlook(C) truncate(D) uphold修改成為He is inclined to _____ details. Therefore, his proposals are sometimes not carefully thought-out.(A) downscale(B) overlook(C) truncate(D) uphold