
16.Which of the following elements is NOT included in Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis?
(A) Anxiety.
(B) Motivation.
(C) Self-confidence.
(D) Aptitude.


統計:A(196),B(50),C(92),D(396),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:Krashen: Five Hypothesis、Learning Strategies


【用戶】Happyface She


【評論內容】Krashen的五個語言假說:1.  自然學習/後天學習假說(The Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis)──有意識地把握語言規則(即後天學習),並不能學會語言,語言是無意識的獲得過程(即自然學習狀態)。2.  監視器假說(The Monitor Hypothesis)─我們可回憶後天所習得的語言知識來校正語言,這是有意識的後天學習之唯一功能。3.  自然規律假說(The Natural Order Hypothesis)──文法結構的學習過程有一定的規律,因此在學習第二語言時,犯某些錯誤是自然的發展過程。4.  輸入假說(The Input Hypothesis)──人在面臨比自己語言能力稍高一級的語言(I + 1階)時,其自然學習狀況最佳。5.  情緒濾...



【評論內容】Hypothesis假說(A) Anxiety焦慮.(B) Motivation.刺激/積極性(C) Self-confidence.自信(D) Aptitude.傾向/天資/恰當



【評論內容】the fifth hypothesis, the Affective Filter hypothesis, embodies Krashen's view that a number of 'affective variables' play a facilitative, but non-causal, role in second language acquisition.These variables include: motivation, self-confidence and anxiety.Krashen claims that learners with high motivation, self-confidence, a good self-image, and a low level of anxiety are better equipped for success in second language acquisition. Low motivation, low self-esteem, and debilitating anxiety can combine to 'raise' the affective filter and form a 'mental block' that prevents comprehensible inp...